I go to two schools......how would colleges react to this??

<p>Yeah, so I go to two high schools. I take the same amount of classes at each and have been going to both high schools for 4 years. I go to one high school for the regular school day and then go to the other high school after school sometimes and do some work on my own time. How would colleges react to this? Would this be considered a hook? Also, would I have to send two separate college recommendations from each school?</p>

<p>Please answer! thanks!</p>

<p>Why did you take this option rather than college courses? I am unclear if you mean that you have double credits.......double diploma?</p>

<p>yeah double diploma....I don't know, I wanted to challenge myself with harder high school courses</p>

<p>I guess it could demonstrate dedication........I have no idea. Good question.</p>