I got a 4 on my APHUG Exam...

<p>I feel like I failed my teacher. He was so sure that I got a 5 on it. Now I can't e-mail him and tell him I got a 5. I'm REALLY sad about this. Can anyone make me feel better...this is my first AP test.</p>

<p>A 4 will get you the same credit practically anywhere as a 5. (aside from the Ivies, but most of them don’t accept Human Geo. credit anyway)</p>

<p>Colleges don’t really look at the scores themselves - they’re more a marker of the college credit you’ve earned.</p>

<p>And assuming you’re a freshman (this is your first AP test), I would take pride in the fact you got a 4. Think of it as practice for all the other AP exams you’ll be taking throughout the rest of your high school career.</p>

<p>So be proud! A 4 is a great score anyone would be lucky to have.</p>

<p>Most freshmen bomb that AP exam. Be proud that you did better than 70% of people that took the exam.Thank your teacher since you are still getting credit unless you go to an Ivy league.</p>

<p>I’m a sophomore. I was looking forward to that 5. Sigh.</p>

<p>Sorry you didn’t get the score you wanted, but a four is still great.</p>

<p>But I’ve never heard the class abbreviated as APHUG and you made me really wish there were an AP Hugs test.</p>

<p>A 4 pretty gets you the same credit man. Be content with what you’ve achieved.</p>