<p>The reason why I ended up with a B+ for Philosophy instead of an A- was because, according to my teacher, I had missing assignments.</p>
<p>I could of sworn I turned in all 16 assignments. She said I scored an 88/100 for hw. All the hw assignments are worth the same.</p>
<p>I just took the last exam in her class so it's over now. I could have gotten an A- if I had 100/100 for hw.</p>
<p>Ahhh **** I swore I turned everything in. ****.</p>
<p>I just counted all the hw I got back that was graded from her and there were 15. So for one of them...Either I did turn it in and she lost it, or I didn't turn it in. I could've sworn I did. ****. I even wrote down on my paper that I did. I also have the typed hw in my computer.</p>
<p>I just emailed her and asked what my missing assignments were and am hoping to get a reply.</p>
<p>What do I do??</p>
<p>I wish I could see her and figure things out.</p>
<p>Hmm, she emailed me and said I’m missing 2 assignments. I just replied and said that I counted all the hw she graded and gave back to me and there were 15 marked credited. I told her I did another hw which I didn’t get back and told her what it was.</p>
<p>I don’t know how I’m going to show all the hw to her since class is already over.</p>
<p>No, I actually earned those marks by working hard and expressing myself well.
The grade distribution report for the individual classes will reflect that. ^_~</p>