<p>FML?.. ugh.
say bye to HYP...</p>
<p>yea me too…but it’s not gonna be that bad…you are too drmatic</p>
<p>lol. i have been straight A so far…but this term, i’ll be getting this C in Calc, and at least 1 B…</p>
<p>do i still have a chance at HYP?</p>
<p>I’m in the same boat as you.</p>
<p>Probably pretty impressive stats and test scores. 3.9-4.0 GPA.</p>
<p>First BC Calc test I got a D-
I got 58% of my first 2 AP Biology tests.</p>
<p>this SUCKS! i am in the top 3% of my graduating class.</p>
<p>my grades in math have always been 98+ (my school does it on a 100-scale, unweighted).</p>
<p>my math grades on my transcript will be like 98, 100, 99, 99, 100…,80(or lower) O_O!!!</p>
<p>WHAT TO DO!!! idk WHY i did so bad on this test. it’s the 1st one of the year and should’ve been EASYYYYY?!</p>
<p>Everyone has their ceiling. Don’t be so hard on yourself!</p>
<p>lol. /sigh, all my friends got 100 on the test. makes me feel worse…</p>
<p>If you check HYP’s websites, they all say that you can’t get below a B+ on any test you ever take in your life, all the way back to 5th grade (depending on when your school system started giving letter grades). In other words, you are screwed. Survival of the fittest, as they say.</p>
<p>I don’t really think they check back that far…</p>
<p>He’s kidding :)</p>
<p>The ignorance and gullibility on CC astounds me more and more each day…</p>
<p>^^Ahem…respect please; I am an adult. I am sorry you can’t recognize a bit of friendly teasing. I have three children and have been through the college process several times already. I know they don’t check back to fifth grade.</p>
<p>i got a 71 on that calc test…in that class, tests count for 70% of your grade…</p>
<p>so far in my HS career, the lowest math grade i’ve ever gotten is a 98</p>
<p>(all unweighted, btw)</p>
<p>will the sudden PLUNGE to a C or B- ruin my chances? :(</p>
<p>I HATE calculus so bad…</p>
<p>I feel for you Code H. My son suffered this way last year in Honor’s PreCalc. First C of his life. I honestly don’t know what to tell you because admissions are so competitive. Just do the very best you can at everything you do, get extra help, believe in yourself. Everything will be fine and turn out the way it is supposed to.</p>
<p>Your transcript shows your individual test grades?! I’ve had some not so pleasant test scores, but with homeworks, final exams, and other stuff considered, a C is not devastating to the letter grade that shows on my transcript. Even though you said tests count for 70% of your grade, one score is not the end of your life. Let this be an opportunity for you to examine or study strategy so that you’ll do better on later tests. It’s important to move on! </p>
<p>I understand where you are coming from. I’m one semester away from becoming a valedictorian, but I did waaaay worse on my physics test than you did on your calc. But if you continue to worry, it’s only going to get worse. Drop it and study for the next one.</p>
<p>If this is how you are now then you are seriously going to crash and burn once you’re at one of those HYP blah blahs (if you ever are) and you’re no longer one of the top students. Take a chill.</p>
<p>have gotten an 81 and an 84. i know how you feel.</p>
<p>I got two 75s in my Calc tests this year and my french teacher wrote “Tres mauvais” on one of my french essays.</p>
<p>Don’t worry about it too much. Just don’t do worse in other subjects.</p>