I got a D on AP Comp Sci

So I got my dirst D on my report card. The thing is I already met my a-g requirements. Also I know that this course counts as a C. I am also taking AP Calc and I got a B. So what are my admission chances for cal states and UCs. Also can a category replace another category.

@thegta5p: This course does not count as a C since a grade below a C in any AP/IB or UC approved Honors class does not get extra weighting.

From the UC website:

Also it does not matter if you met the a-g course requirements, you are required to maintain a specific GPA with no D’s or F’s Senior year.

Are you a Senior that has applied to the UC’s and CSU’s already?

Which category(ies) are you talking about, a-g course categories? You need to meet the minimum classes for each category. The only flexible category is G.

If you are a Senior, then you are required to notify the UC’s and CSU’s about your deficient grade.

From the UC Website:
**If there are changes to your academic record: If you add or drop a course, fail to earn a C or better in a course or enroll in a new college after you submit your application, log back in and update your information online. If you receive an offer of admission, be sure to confirm with the campus admission office that they are aware of the deficient grade or schedule changes.

Keep in mind: We cannot guarantee that a campus can go back to review an application after correspondence has been received. Make sure to save a copy of your correspondence just in case.**

For the CSU’s, you will need to contact each one individually and be proactive. The majority of the schools are willing to work with you and many will wait until your final grade in the Spring before rescinding your acceptance.