I got a message from Baruch honors

<p>The email tells me that my application to Baruch Honors is under consideration. Does this mean that I am likely to be admitted? Why would they email me now, the decisions come out march 15.</p>

<p>I don’t know but I have gotten into Baruch (not honors) for the finance program. Can I make you a contact? If you don’t mind</p>

<p>First off, congrats on getting into Baruch. They sent the email to everyone who applied to Macaulay Honors to reassure us that our applications to Macaulay Honors are still being considered. They forgot to mention this in the Baruch acceptance letter, and so some might assume that they got rejected from honors and only ended up being accepted for regular Baruch. But that’s not the case. It’s just reassurance and clarification. You’re still being considered from Macaulay Honors at Baruch and will receive a decision by March 15. Good luck!</p>


<p>its 2009. kobe is already 2008 mvp :)</p>