I got accepted to the following schools. Which would you choose?

<p>Drexel University (good co-op program, most expensive)
Depaul University (instate, law school)
Michigan State University (big ten, decent engineering)
California Polytechnic State University - SLO (engineering school, super cheap for OOS)
University of Illinois at Chicago (good engineering, pre-med, instate) </p>

<p>I live in Illinois so UIC would be the cheapest option. However neither the size or location is important to me. Money is not a huge issue for me, however Drexel's tuition is pushing 60k doesnt seem worth it since its not an Ivy. As far as major choice, I am considering Mechanical Engineering and Biology, but am not sure which I want to do.
I am wondering which school would give me the best education for the right price (which makes the most sense to go to).</p>

<p>I didn’t even apply nor did i consider applying lol. as much as i would like to go to oxford, it wasnt a realistic school for me since I didnt have the best of grades/ACT in HS.</p>

<p>bump bump bump</p>

<p>Don’t do what others would do, but do what YOU want to do for yourself. Think about each school and decide whether or not you can picture yourself there. Also take a look at what activities/sports they have that might interest you. And make sure you try and visit as many as you can!</p>

<p>When in doubt, I suggest choosing a state flagship or flagship type school. They generally offer strong pograms across the board, wide range of classes, residential campus and school spirit, and tons of things to be involved with. They also tend to have strong career service centers with vast alumni networks. They are generally perceived to be strong schools by just about everyone, anywhere.</p>

<p>I would choose MSU.</p>

<p>Make sure you really like the major you were accepted at Cal Poly SLO. It’s quite challenging to switch majors. I believe your freshman classes for your first quarter at SLO is predetermined by your major.</p>

<p>Note that many other schools have optional co-op programs.</p>

<p>Majoring in biology is not required to do pre-med.</p>

<p>How much do the cost differences matter to you? If you do go to medical school, realize that it is expensive, so saving money and minimizing debt may be more important in that case.</p>

<p>I like MSU best of the schools you’ve listed. Better than the others IMHO.</p>

<p>I would definitely choose SLO, as my brother goes there and he loves it. Plus, you can’t beat California weather.</p>

<p>Hey, I have a question. When did you apply & when did you hear back your of your acceptances?</p>

<p>Also, does Drexel give out a lot of scholarships?</p>

<p>choose where u’d be happiest is most important, since then u’d be excelling to the best of ur potential.</p>

<p>Cal Poly!!!:)</p>

<p>This is remarkable! Especially since Cal Poly doesn’t notify students of admission until December, and that’s for early decision. [Your</a> Application & Deadlines - Admissions - Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo](<a href=“Cal Poly Admissions”>Cal Poly Admissions)</p>

<p>lol. You’re right Erin’s Dad. Nice catch. I think OP forgot to start his sentence with If as in “If I got accepted to the following schools, which would you choose?”</p>

<p>Cal Poly SLO! I know several people who are going there, and absolutely love it! The engineering program I believe is one of the best in California, and ranks with the entire nation too. and it’s affordable. Plus, California is the best place on the west coast, and it’s the most laid back place and you’ll love living here. It’s not a raving party school (if you’re looking for that haha) but everyone always talks about how much there is to do on campus and how fun it is. Also San Luis Obispo is a beautiful area and there’s a ton to do in the area :)</p>

<p>Cal Poly if you like Cali weather which everybody likes.</p>

<p>If for some reason that’s an option then go to Illinois. </p>

<p>Drexel is wayyyyyyyy too expensive.</p>

<p>deviantally12 -</p>

<p>Guess what? You don’t have to decide until you actually have been admitted everywhere that you have applied to, and you have all of your aid and scholarship offers on the table. Need-based aid offers (if you qualify) won’t be available until April, so just cool your jets for now. Everything (and I do indeed mean everything) can change between now and then.</p>

<p>I’m going to say I’d go to MSU. My parents both went there, it’s a beautiful school, they’ve got great sports, high quality education (if you seek it out, but that’s true for any public), and I have family near there. I’d also consider Drexel if I got some Fin Aid (I probably would), but I probably wouldn’t go there because of the very urban campus.</p>

<p>Unless you really love Drexel, I would avoid going there. No disrespect to the University, but hard to believe that it is your most expensive school.</p>

<p>Cal Poly. Easily the top school on there for engineering. Also California weather > Midwest/NE fickle forecasts</p>