Happy to say was accepted into ECU yesterday after a whole year of worry, stress, and grind. Here are my credentials.
GPA: 2.875 W, 2.75 UW
ACT: 27
SAT: 1290
Varsity swim, in a club that helped special needs students, applied October 10th, wrote a very strong essay.
Good luck to everyone that applied and go pirates!
Best wishes for a great 4 years and much success.
Congratulations! I have a question for a friend (yes I swear it is for a friend) :). Her son is a diehard ECU fan and it’s his first choice school. But due to not really understanding how the college application process works they have not yet applied or even taken the SAT. His UW GPA is a 3.4 but never took any honors or AP classes, so he doesn’t have a weighted GPA. Never took the SAT but got a 19 on the ACT. He plans on taking the SAT in December which means the school won’t get the scores until the end of December. He plays football and baseball and has had an after school job. He is a senior in high school (in state) and is currently not taking any honors or AP classes. At this point does anyone think he has a chance of getting in? I don’t think he’s going to do particularly well on the SAT-he’s not a good test taker. Probably comparable to a 19 on the ACT. My understanding is waiting until the end of December to have your file processed, especially with his grades and test scores it’s not looking good that he will get accepted, but anyone have any insight? TIA
In my opinion, he either needs to retake the ACT or kill it on the SAT. GPA wise I think he’s fine but his ACT score falls well below the average at ECU. If he tends to struggle on standardized test than I would suggest taking an SAT class so he can get a good score. ECU super scores the SAT so he can take it more than once if needed. Just remember, since ECU is rolling admissions, let him know to APPLY ASAP. Before I applied, I spoke to a lady who used to work at ECU admissions and she compared the admissions process to musical chairs, saying that after January it gets very competitive. If he still fails to manage a decent test score, he needs to set himself apart from the rest of the crowd. I would suggest for him to volunteer or do other extracurriculars. As for the application himself, he NEEDS to write an essay. An essay is a perfect way for a student who doesn’t look good on paper to show off their true abilities and give the admissions board a way to set them apart from students with similar credentials to them. Lastly, please give this student as much support as possible. As a student who just went through the whole admissions process himself, I know that this is a very stressful time. I wish him good luck, and I hope to see him in class next fall, he’s got this!
Go Pirates!
@mrk21000 Is your friend’s son doing some SAT preparation? This can make a big difference, and there is plenty of time between now and December to make a big difference. Good luck to him and your friend!
He is doing no prep for the test at all. Back in September I tried to explain to my friend that with rolling admissions you have to get the app in early. Told her many times to get him signed up to take the SAT and/or the ACT. Told her even though the essay is optional he NEEDS to do it. She says ok to all of this and then did nothing. She kept putting it off. I couldn’t get her to understand how important all of this is. Her son is an average student. His UW GPA isn’t bad, but it’s in all “regular” classes. I told her even though his SAT scores won’t be back til end of December go ahead and have him send the application in now so they at least have it. Nope-still hasn’t done it. I agree there is time for him to do SAT prep, beef up his ECs but he won’t. He would kill to go to ECU but doesn’t seem to want to put in the effort to get in… I’m concerned him applying pretty late in the game with his GPA and scores is not going to go well for him.