I got in

<p>This is the last time that I will mention Adrienne Keene, I promise! </p>

<p>Okay, so I was visiting the Admitted Students Website last night and I noticed the “featured profiles” and there was Adrienne. I thought, “hmm, could this be her?”, so I clicked on it and, low and behold, it’s Adrienne Keene! haha, she graduated in 2007, crazy. She seemed older than that, but I guess I could see her being mid-twenties…it was just a very surreal thing…</p>

<p>I was just looking at the “Accept your offer of admission!” bit and noticed that we authorize Stanford “to conduct an application verification process”…what exactly does that entail? I’m not worried, I’m just curious (because none of my other unis have ever had anything like that). </p>


<p>Anyone care to enlighten me?</p>

<p>haha what a tangent of a thread</p>

<p>Lol, well, it was kind of that way from the beginning. ;)!</p>

<p>i mean its fine haha. whatever you guys want to talk about. my thread was kind of fail to begin with</p>

<p>^^Yeah, I’ve logged into Axess and gone to UG Admission Response, but my parents won’t let me officially accept it until after Admit Weekend because I’ve never visited. I’m guessing I’ll love it though – it’s been my dream school since about 5th grade and the pictures look absolutely GORGEOUS…I really like the Hispanic architecture and location. Ah, I’m going to Stanford! This is unbelievable. </p>

<p>But, I just thought it was weird that they’d “verify applications” after admitting – doesn’t it seem like that’s something to do while reading and choosing apps? What do you think they do?</p>

<p>And since this is the official “random thoughts” thread, I’d like to add – I didn’t know San Jose was larger than San Francisco!! I guess I have a lot to learn about California!</p>

<p>Everyone, Congratulations on your admissions to Stanford!</p>

<p>dpattz: My S is a freshman there, and I don’t know what the “application verification” is. It may be that they verify credentials for randomly chosen acceptees, such as transcripts or test scores, just to make sure that info is legit. I’m sure you don’t need to worry about it at all. </p>

<p>I am sure you will love Stanford even more after your visit. My S just loves the sublime weather and beautiful campus. We live in the frozen midwest, too, and he never wants to come back! After Minnesota, you will feel like you are in paradise. Last winter we would be talking to him on the phone, huddling under 3 layers of clothes with 18 degrees below zero outside, while he says that he was sitting, shirtless in shorts next to the open window in his room. </p>

<p>He’s going to attend summer term, partly because he doesn’t have a job this year and partly to rack up some more credits. But it’s also because he enjoys being on campus so much. Academically, he is very impressed with his professors, course content and fellow students. Stanford was his dream school, and the reality is even better than he had hoped.</p>

<p>^Thanks! It is definitely my dream school as well…I was thinking of not applying this fall (because this year was going to be so competitive), but added it again in late November because it just seemed to perfect to pass up – I’m glad I made that decision!! I’m also in the running for a full-ride IHS scholarship (not related to Stanford, IHS = Indian Health Service), so if I could bag that, I wouldn’t even have to worry about cost! Ah, that would be great, but I don’t hear from them until late May or early June…
Anyway, gladmom, could you give me any suggestions for my situation <a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/stanford-university/683359-stanford-uw-madison-full-ride.html?[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/stanford-university/683359-stanford-uw-madison-full-ride.html?&lt;/a&gt; I think I will probably choose Stanford, but if you have any other input, it would be great! Thanks!</p>

<p>Sorry people, I don’t know why it posted my last few sentences twice…</p>