<p>ok so this kid, kept saying ur mom ur mom as a comeback, and it was freaken annoying</p>
<p>so i said" is that ur only come back?"
then he comes over, and pushes me, so i'm like ***, so i push him back, and then i push him against the wall, and he was like cussing at me and point his middle finger at me! LOL and he went away, and me and my friends were laughing</p>
<p>he was a 5 feet midget, an asian loser with no friends, everyone hates him by the way</p>
<p>when walking home the next day, i was walking home, he started stalking me? ***? like he does to everyone else. so i was like stop it, and he kept stalking me, and was like dissing me with "ur mom disses" i was like, is this kid of real?, so i tried to scare him and i ran towards him, but he ran away, so i was like</p>
<p>"run wuss!"</p>
<p>so then he comes back again, i was like 70 yards away, and he was like chasing one of my friends down the sidewalk towards me, so i decided to tackle him, i ran super fast, ran passed the person he was chasing, and BANG!!!, i knocked him down</p>
<p>he started crying and screaming, it was so hilarious, me and my friends were laughing, and he started cussing outloud, and point his Middle finger, LOL</p>
<p>it felt good to tackle him, now he's scared of me, byy the way, he's 8th rgade also</p>
<p>now i'm goona shave my head to look more meaner, so he wont mess with me
and that he will need to learn proper respect</p>