I got into Berkeley, but.........

<p>Berkeley doesn’t have an accounting minor for non-haas students. It’s also super difficult to get into upper level accounting classes because you get auto-wait listed for haas classes if you’re a non-haas major. I’m #80 on the wait list for financial accounting for Fall.</p>

<p>Going for engineering is out of the question. It would require at least 2 years, possibly even three to transfer. Also, engineering salaries start high and then permanently stagnate.</p>

Take classes at a local community college then. Coastline offers online accounting classes also.</p>

<p>Just keep your GPA high and network your butt off. As long as you are CPA eligible you are good. Networking and getting relevant experience are more important though.</p>

<p>non-biz majors get into the Big4 and other top accounting firms too at UCB:
<a href=“https://career.berkeley.edu/Major2009/PEIS.stm[/url]”>https://career.berkeley.edu/Major2009/PEIS.stm&lt;/a&gt;
<a href=“https://career.berkeley.edu/Major/Econ.stm[/url]”>https://career.berkeley.edu/Major/Econ.stm&lt;/a&gt;
<a href=“https://career.berkeley.edu/Major/EnvEcon.stm[/url]”>https://career.berkeley.edu/Major/EnvEcon.stm&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>If it isn’t working, there is always an MS in Accounting. Which a lot of people end up doing anyways because of the 150 unit requirement for the CPA.</p>

<p>What iTransfer said. Sorry about the misinformation about the accounting minor. I still believe that you’d be able to get into the classes during the summer however. Three summers should be plenty of time to complete the requirements for the minor(and even if you aren’t allowed to list completion of the minor, you should be able to state that you’re CPA eligible on your resume which is just as good if not better and grad schools will note your accounting courses as well)</p>