I got into MITES!!

<p>Okay so i just got my acceptance letter and am so psyched to go...but i have a few questions for alums of MITES.
Which courses did you enjoy and why?
Is it really as much work as they make it sound?
Did you guys have a lot of fun?</p>

<p>MITES '05. I answered many questions for people, and here are some of the questions I have answered from people. </p>

<p>Was it hard writing the three essays?
I think you're referring to the admissions essays. I didn't think they were hard. The only reason I found them hard at one point was because I wanted to get in the program so much that I was scared to write whatever came to mind. To put this into perspective I started one essay in November, and then put the application on the backburner until January. I found that after that long period of not working, cranking out the essays was not a problem. </p>

<p>How was your time?
MITES was an incredible experience, I believe it might be MITE2S for this year (entrepreneurship received some new sponsorship), but I'm not sure. I'll try to give you an overview of my experience. We stayed at Simmons Hall, new dormitories at MIT, mostly singles, but some doubles. Upon arriving to the program, you receive $420 on a MIT tech cash card to buy food and whatever school supplies at the school food court. It was a real college experience. The TA's/RA's are mostly there to just help you with your problem sets and such. They give you A LOT of freedom. If you want to go out every night, hop a bus or subway out into Boston, you can. Curfew (which meant telling your TA where you were) was at 11 on weekdays and 1 on weekends, but they were very lenient as the workload was crazy and of course the dormitories did not have all the resources. During crunch weeks, people just stayed in the computer lab or library until class started. </p>

<p>Did you ever hate program?
I never hated the program. The only aspected that got to me was the huge workload, which amounted to about 8 hours or work of work every night. You will meet people that are very down-to-earth. They are all very smart, but know how to have fun, like go to Boston late at night or Harvard Square. My only regret is not spending more time with them, but I guess this went for everyone becuase there was so much work. At times, I just wanted to have fun and go see the city some more, but to be honest, I still got to do a lot of that. I went out about three times a week, which is quite a bit. </p>

<p>Was it hard to get recommendations?
It wasn't hard at all. My school actually has sort of a MITES legacy going now with three straight years of having someone attend, so the counselor and teachers all knew what the program was about, and how great it is. </p>

<p>Did you have any work experience when you were accepted?
I did not have any work experience. </p>

<p>I've also answered questions about academics to some people that asked. You might find it useful. MITES will challenge you, unless you have already taken multivariable calc, Physics C (E and M portion), and biochem, but I doubt that has happened. </p>

<p>So now for the academics. On the second day of MITES, you take two diagnostic tests, one for physics and one that has biology and chem integrated. I'll break down each subject area. </p>

<p>You get placed into calculus I or II. I is for people that have never taken calculus, and calculus II is for anyone who has calculus. Calculus II is the equivilant of the course after Calculus BC, or second semester calculus. We learned vectors, introduction into multivariable, partial differentiation, series... EXPECTED TIME SPENT PER WEEK OUTSIDE OF CLASS: 8 hours </p>

<p>Physics is either I, II, or III. I is for people who have not taken physics or calculus. II, people who have taken physics and no calculus OR people who have taken calculus but no physics. III is for people who have had a little or a lot of physics, but have a good background in calculus. I took III, it was the most tough class at MITES. It was the equivilant of 8.02/ electricity and magnetism. The class never stops either; I got a 31/120 on my final

<p>Biology/chemistry/biochemistry. Pretty much, if you are good in biology and chemistry, you go into a VERY tough from what I saw biochem class. I took biology and it was mostly on Genetics and new-age biology stuff.

<p>Humanities. A LOT of reading. You get a 200 page packet of essays, a book, and two plays to read. I remember being assigned Copenhagen to read, and then Double Helix the next class. You're writing will improve a lot. It's a class led my a lot of discussion.
EXPECTED TIME SPENT PER WEEK OUTSIDE OF CLASS: 10-15 hours (depends on if an essay is due)</p>

<p>Project course. I had Internet Programming and we used Flash actionscripting a lot. This was a very heavy load, because you learned all the actionscripting in 2 weeks and then were expected to make a website using advanced actionscripting as a group.

<p>I was up until 3-4 AM at least every night. I still was able to go out a lot though and have fun. Harvard Square was a big attraction, the prudential center, and Boston is just a great city. </p>

<p>I hope this helps. Really, MITES was the most incredible experience because everyone had personality and were very social. They are people that you expect to be very popular at school; nonetheless, everyone was brilliant. </p>

<p>If you have anymore questions, feel free to email me. MITES was an incredible experience and I am here to promote it.</p>

<p>Thank you sooooooo much. I am really excited to go now ; )</p>

<p>Hey TECHY101, if you have any other questions PM me or IM me. MITES is an INCREDIBLE experience, and I'm sure we will be meeting each other down the road especially if you go to MITES, and then MIT.</p>

<p>Ditto w/ vu_preuss (we're both mites '05)
i guess i can't really add more to say other than
take biology!! the teacher is awesome and you get to sing-a-long songs about mRNA.
trust me, it's a LOT of work. I stayed up around 2 (sometimes 3 if i drank too much expresso). although there was this one kid who always went to sleep around 11...
but really, it's SO much fun. fireworks...boston..harvard square...
you're so lucky!!!!</p>

<p>I went last year too and I had the best summer of my life. The work is not thaaaat bad and you're doing it with friends so it's a lot of fun. And take chemistry, it's better than biology. Also, remember it's your summer so try to finish your work early and go out or something or if you work well under pressure do it the night before it's due (do this sparingly). But I think doing it early is better. You're also gonna meet amazing people like I met aznlegna and vu_preuss and that is ulimately the best part of the program. Have fun!</p>

<p>You want to reveal your identity artikas :) I have no idea who you are.</p>

<p>yeah...who ARE you artikas</p>

<p>It's probably Denver.</p>

<p>It's deMBer. and aznlegna...what's up with the "ARE"?...going back to your old ways???</p>

<p>ew. hez a newbie CCer</p>

<p>hey...im the one who told you about this! and look at the date I joined...I dont know why it says new...</p>

<p>I faced the awkward decision of going or not going and I decided to go to another summer program. How will that affect me next year?</p>

<p>It won't affect you that much next year. Remember, getting into MITES is a feat in itself. People have this misconception that summer programs such as RSI and MITES gets you into MIT, but keep in mind that everyone who did get into these programs are certainly qualified to get into any school. That's really unfortunate that you chose to not attend MITES. It is one INCREDIBLE experience, and will certainly prepare anyone for college. Nonetheless, I'm sure you chose to go to a summer program that is on the same level as MITES (haha what am I saying I'm MITES 05).</p>

<p>I sure do agree with you vu. I decided to go to the LEAD Program in Business at Wharton (#1), which only elects 36 participants out of more than 400 that chose Unniversity of Pennsylvania as their summer business institue (SBI). I really decided for the career option that best fit my interests. Anyways I was very proud of my selection to MITES, although I had already sent my acceptance to the other program by the time it arrived. Maybe if both had arrived at the same time the story would have been a little different. And yes people told me that getting into MITES itself was an achievement even though I would not be participating and that I shouldn't forget that when applying to universities next year.</p>

<p>Congratulations on your admission into the LEAD Program. I have no doubt that you will fine many acceptance letters come next year.</p>

<p>Thanks vu.</p>

<p>Congrats TECHY and others! I too am from the MITES class of '05. It was definately more fun than they tell you. I don't want to spoil the fun, because I looked everything up when I found out I was going (even the dorm's architect...). Chem was fun, but I think it was almost too easy for MITES caliber just because I had taken it before. I would suggest getting far out of your comfort zone. In all honesty, most of the classes are determined by placement exams. The only real option you have is robotics/genomics/programming. You have somewhat of a choice in bio/(o-chem?)/chemistry, but you'll figure it out there. I am probably one of the people aznlegna was referring to about going to sleep at 11... really the first week I went to bed at 10. The remaining 5 weeks, I went to bed at 2, I just disappeared into my room at 11 so that I could take care of my work. I REALLY enjoyed my time because it was a new place, new people, and I felt like I was living on my own. Have fun this summer, and don't forget to pack a good fan.</p>

<p>lol actually, i was thinking of germany...</p>

<p>ahh, I see. He always did seem very chipper in the mornings.</p>