i got into UMich of waitlist HELP ME i dunno wat to do

<p>I am in a HUGE dilemma. I got into Michigan Ann Arbor off the waitlist. My problem is…I’m planning on attending Wisconsin. I am in the best dorm at Wisc and met a lot of friends and actually seen Wisc (I’ve never seen Michigan). Originally, Michigan was my dream school but after I got waitlisted I thought I would NEVER get off the waitlist or at least get off it in June when it would be too late. When I went to Wisconsin last month, I absolutely loved it. If I go to Mich it might be too late to get into the best dorms, the classes I want and to get rid of my lease for Statesider dorm at Wisconsin (a binding contract). I am planning on being a business major but as of right now I’m Undecided at both LSA at Michigan and Letters and Sciences at Wisconsin. I don’t know if I’ll be too stressed if I go to Michigan and if I can even get into Ross. I felt that it would be too compeititve and be a small fish in a big sea. What does everyone think? I need to make up my mind FAST, put it that way.</p>

<p>i think it sounds obvious what your choice is, just look @ your own post...</p>

<p>I hear business (UG or grad) at UW-Madison is pretty good. My sis is plannin' to apply for her MBA at UW-Madison. I imagine you might get a boost up for familiarity if you decide to go for a MBA there.</p>

<p>Then again, I'm a little biased because I'm going to a college in Wisconsin (Beloit) and so I think I got a little state pride going already. :p</p>

<p>Okay, but seriously, though UMich AA is probably thought as one of the stellar public uni's - a Public Ivy - and such, I think UW-Madison can definitely match it. Madison is also a great college town, as is Ann Arbor, so you won't gain the "college experience" if you decide to go to UMich that you can't at UW.</p>

<p>And you have good points about housing at UMich, getting in on the waitlist. I'm unsure when students register for classes at UMich; have you already registered at UW? Most of my freshmen-to-be-friends say they'll register during orientation at their respective colleges/universities. Maybe you won't lose out at UMichigan?</p>

<p>Either way, I don't think you can lose at either uni. :)</p>

<p>You already made a good choice. You can always transfer if you change your mind after a year or two.</p>

<p>You're going to read a lot of people on this forum defending Wisconsin and you will read an exact 180 degree turn on the Michigan board. Look, the simple thing is, you seem to have already made up your mind. Statesider is a pretty sweet dorm, Madison is a great town, and you're going to get the same education at both schools: a top research university with large intro levels and great professors in almost all majors. Wisconsin will save you nearly 40K, Wisconsin business might be a tad bit easier for you if you were considering Ross (which is a great UG B school, btw), and to be very blunt if you hate it you'd be able to easily transfer.</p>

<p>hmmm... my mind would tell me go to michigan, but my heart would say Wisconsin. :)</p>

<p>Screw Michigan, you love Wisconsin and that's were you want to be. You don't need anymore convincing.</p>

<p>Blink0311, UMich must have given you the seat I gave up. hehehe....</p>

<p>I turned down UM's honors program, and going to Madison.</p>

<p>I mean for business school you cant go wrong with either one. Transfer makes a good point about the differences in cost.</p>

<p>Go to Wisconsin.</p>

<p>I got into Michigan, but turned it down for Wisconsin... come to Wisconsin!</p>