I got mail from Ohio State saying that Im a National Merit semifinalist....but...

<p>So I get mail from Ohio State, congratulating me on becoming a national merit semifinalist...But...I havent gotten my scores yet which are handed out at school in mid-December and its only early November. Does this mean what I think it means?! Are the PSAT scores sent to the colleges early before us students get them? Or is there any other possible explanations for this! AM I A NATIONAL MERIT SEMIFINALIST?! =X</p>

<p>Are you serious??
I want to know my score sooo badly.</p>

<p>PSAT scores are not generally used in college admissions, but the PSAT/NMSQT is used to determine National Merit Scholarship (NMS) recipients. Yes, they probably do get the scores first because they have to make a decision early on about where you fall (commended student, semifinalist, finalist, NMS recipient) and what further information they need from you to continue the scholarship process.</p>

<p>Don’t want to rain on your parade, but it likely was a mistake. I mean, I bet your score, whatever it is, is high enough to be a NMSF, but if it is, you won’t even find out until next fall (assuming you’re a junior this year), so it probably is a mistake. But I bet you got a good score anyways!</p>

<p>yeah, you find our whether you are are semi-finalist in the fall of next year. Although, you can predict based on previous cut-off lines. but I highly doubt that Ohio state can know this early. but good luck regardless!!</p>

<p>It isn’t a mistake. I’m in college now–I should be a senior–and the admissions counselor told me she’d known for ages that I was a semifinalist (but wasn’t supposed to tell me, so I’m not sure what Ohio State is thinking). She said that the day I found out. My high school counselor emailed me with the news in early fall after I’d taken the test.</p>

<p>I doubt it’s a mistake. My high school counselor told me the fall after I took the test. I went to my admissions counselor all excited about it, and she said she’d known for ages. But, she said she wasn’t supposed to tell me. So, not sure what Ohio State’s thinking…</p>

<p>At this point, NO ONE knows about semifinalist status - everyone will have to wait until next August/September for that.</p>

<p>However, colleges do purchase mailing lists from College Board based on information from the PSAT. They can narrow the list to a certain range of scores which, based on prior years, would indicate a strong likelihood of meeting the semifinalist cutoff.</p>

<p>is a score of 214 99th percentile this year on the psat?</p>