I got rejected from 15 out of the 16 schools I applied to

I understand, I was just focusing on the positives. I think people have already explained that your international status probably played a big role in some of the rejections, and a lot of them are really high reaches for everybody, so a rejection should be expected (it’s better to be pleasantly surprised than disappointed). I have some experience with St. Olaf (my daughter got admitted last year but went elsewhere, even though she liked it a lot)–liberal arts colleges of this type really emphasize demonstrated interest. Did you interview, visit, stay in touch, etc.? She applied for their theater and music scholarships, in addition to doing all these other things, and this probably cemented their perception that she was serious about them (I’m not saying you should have done the same, just giving an example). But the main piece of advice is not to take these rejections personally as a reflection of your worth or academic promise. Thousands of talented students get rejected by top schools every year, this is just the reality. It breaks my heart as a mother and an educator to see young people beating themselves up after not getting into top schools and linking their sense of worth to these somewhat random decisions that won’t have a significant impact on their future lives. You’ve worked hard, you got into a good school, you’re facing an exciting future. Try to focus on that!


I did an interview with an admissions officer and had email contact with an admissions counselor before too.

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Just make sure that you end up in the right Miami when you get to the states. And be glad that you weren’t buying a plane ticket to Portland.

Congratulations !

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I think OP is in the States, just not a citizen/permanent resident.

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I’ll be sure to look out for that, haha

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You had three Match schools on your list. As an international, it would be hard for you to find a safety without limiting your search to schools that aren’t too selective, and as others have said, apps were way up and spots were down this year.

So you got into one of your Match schools, and a fine one at that. Make the most of it!


I am excited to attend Miami, as I’ve stated in multiple replies. I was just looking for more clarity, thank you!

Asking again…were you applying for need based aid? Many of the schools on your list are need aware for admissions for international students. This means your ability to pay was considered when your admission application was reviewed.

Plus, your list was a bit top heavy.

My free advice…move on. Miami is a terrific college.

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Yes, I applied for need based. My list was top heavy because these were colleges that did offer aid to international students more freely.

And as I’ve stated in multiple replies before, I am excited to attend Miami!

I think the number 15 is getting to you–“15 rejections”! But most of your schools are super-reachy, so it’s like being rejected by 12 Harvards essentially (nothing to be ashamed of). The rest is random and, as people have pointed out, it was particularly tricky this year and because of your international status. I’m just trying to rationalize it for you, I hope it helps.


@thunderflop this is it. In a nutshell, this describes what happened with you, and with many many many other applicants year after year. Unfortunately, many families (us included) don’t go into the application process fully understanding how it all works.

One way you could have helped yourself was to apply to more schools with acceptance rates in the the 50%-80% range. Everyone wants the ego shine of getting accepted to a 10% school, but the reality is that is not likely to occur for any student, regardless of your stats.

In your case, being an “international” applicant who needs a substantial amount of FinAid, you have to be especially cognizant of your application pool.

If MiamiO is affordable for you, I would be ecstatic about the acceptance there.

What did you do wrong? You applied to 15/16 schools with incredibly low acceptance rates for all students, and even lower acceptance rates for international applicants who need significant financial aid.


Even for a US resident/citizen, every school on your list was a high reach. St. Olaf’s was a match/low reach, I’d say, and RIT and Miami were match/safeties. I’m very surprised that you didn’t get into RIT. I’m wondering if RIT and St. Olaf’s decided that they weren’t going to be able to give you money, so they might as well just save you and themselves the trouble, and reject you.

Can you manage it, financially, at Miami OH? And BTW, you can and should apply for their honors program, after your first semester, if you still want it. You’re going to do very well there, I’m sure.


You mess with the bull, you get the horns.

In any event, Miami is a great school - enjoy and good luck!

I’m glad you are celebrating your acceptance to Miami. Congratulations!!


@Publisher. This reminded me of the story a student told. First gen student, college apps on his own. When he arrived at BU with a big bag at check in, was told he wasn’t on the roster. He actually got in to BC! So hope it was a real story :relaxed:


Wait, so are you a non-resident/citizen who applied for need-based aid? If so, you have to realize that the odds are insanely low across the board. I have a friend who had a 4.0, top SAT scores, extraordinary ECs, but she was low income and needed a lot of aid. Rejected from all 14 schools she applied to. If Miami gave you money, and you can afford it, you shouldn’t feel bitter at all. You should be celebrating that you did it and beat the odds!


Even if the results were 1:16, you really did do it. For the applicant who needs tens of thousands of dollars per year to afford university, you did beat the odds. Most in that situation don’t get as great a choice as you did.

I know you said you are excited with the Miami O offer, but I’ll be happy for you when the joy about Miami O finally overshadows the disappointment of the other 15 schools.

I am 100% excited for you!!!


Two years ago my daughter had almost the same stats, 34ACT, 3.9 UWGPA, xc/track 4 years, captain, awards, honor societies, 9 AP rest honors, on your list she only applied to JHU (rejected) because her stats just didn’t seem high enough (lots of ordinary EC’s, that pesky B freshman year, health science major who didn’t take AP bio or chemistry, not a brilliant essay, only 5th in her class… I’d read here on CC and realize a state school would be it, and it was, and she’s loving it. Her 18 year old sister has similar stats (but 33 act), deciding between 3 public colleges.


Miami Ohio is a great school. And I heard that Bon Jovi -only moms from the 90’s may appreciate this :wink: toured the campus this past week with his kid.


Which Major did you apply at RIT. I am very surprised that you got a rejection there, unless it was CS or a few other majors. Being international, i know quite a few students there, so maybe they did not provide aid?

They are usually in the 70 percent acceptance rate.