I got screwed over.

<p>So I take this lame "college preparatory" class that is suppose to teacher me all about the super-duper-confusing college process, but has turned out to be nothing more than therapy for students who fail at life. But I do not complain- I show up for class each and every day, I participate, I lead discussions, and although I have my hands full most of the times, I still make an effort to help my fellow classmates. Last quarter, I got an A. Which was expected, of course. This quarter, I got an F. </p>

<p>No, I didn't catch "senioritis"- I did everything I was suppose to do, so what went wrong? I handed in a single assignment late. My teacher sent me an email telling me that if she does not receive the assignment(which was due the day before she sent the email) by the next day, she will fail me. So I dd what every grade conscious, sane, senior would do. I went in the next morning, and placed my assignment into her mail box. So I should be safe right? Wrong. Today, I recieved my report card- and seeing that there is a letter that doesn't quite belong, I needed an explanation. Well, it turns out that she received my assignment after she carved my grades onto stone. So because she is a woman of her words, I will fail. </p>

<p>Hm- this probably won't look too pretty on my report card. I guess this is another case of "does the punishment fit the crime"? </p>

<p>What should I do? Should I worry? Show me the way, sensei.</p>

<p>You can get grades changed. So her excused that it is carved in stone is not true. It may take trouble and look bad on her part, but it is possible. I would attempt getting it changed.</p>

<p>But attempt getting it changed on the basis of what? Did she change the late policy on you? </p>

<p>That must have been a huge assignment to be worth enough to bring you down to an F. Giving you a zero for a day late seems very harsh, but if it’s her normal policy, I don’t see what you could do.</p>

<p>if your story is true (and I very much doubt that it is), your teacher is a moron.</p>

<p>I am not here to exaggerate my story for pity. It is NOT a late policy to fail students who hand in late assignments. Though this quarter that assignment was the only assignment.</p>

<p>Well if it was the only assignment that changes things. She probably had a point in her policy of deadline or zero.
If you demonstrated the effort like you stated, your only hope is to talk to her, maybe get parents involved since you did turn it in… late. But she probably will emphasize her late 0 policy.</p>