<p>UCSB chances please!!!!!!!!</p>
<p>Intended major- Pre- Biology
Alternate Major- History</p>
<p>Do they really care about alternate major? I have a feeling that if they can't admit you to 1st choice then they just reject you. </p>
<p>My Application
1. 3.6 UC GPA, 7 AP Classes and 1 UC approved honors class (16 Semesters of AP/H). 47 A-G classes total. I am in the Top 10% of my class. </p>
<p>Senior year Schedule
- AP Biology
- AP Calculus BC
- AP English Literature
- Marine Biology
- Economic and Government (1 Semester of each required to graduate)</p>
<li>Test Scores </li>
<li>28 ACT </li>
<li>610 Math Level 2</li>
<li>560 U.S. History</li>
<li>3 AP U.S. History</li>
<li><p>4 AP Psychology </p></li>
<li><p>Personal statements
Prompt #1- Mentioned how volunteering at the Hospital and working at the homework center has changed my outlook on life and how they have influnced my decesion to become a doctor.
Prompt #2- I wrote about my perserverance. How I overcame the Language Barrier as child as well as how I overcame my parent's accident and their depression that they got as a result of the accident. </p></li>
Volunteer: </p></li>
<li><p>80 hr. at local hospital </p></li>
<li><p>70 hr. at my school's after school homework center as a tutor.(Mondays and Tuesdays)</p></li>
1. 2 Days a week at my school's after school homework center as a tutor (Wednesdays and Thursdays)</p>
<p>Clubs and Sports:
1. 3 year NHS
2. 4 year CSF (secratery 2009)
3. 3 year MESA
4. 4 year Track and Field (3 year varsity and League Champion)</p>
1. 5th Place at County Championships
2. 2008 most improved thrower (made a 45 foot improvement in the discus from freshman year to sopomore year)
3. 2008 Runner-Up in League
4. 2009 League Champion</p>
<li>other information</li>
<li>low income family only makes about 50k a year </li>
<li>i am a california resident</li>
<li>My school is low performing and is in program improvement. (This helps me right?)</li>
<p>You should know after UCLA and UCSD acceptances/rejections there is no way to predict anything this year. GPA and test scores might be a little low for UCSB this year…but who knows</p>
<p>the UCLA and UCSD is so unpredictable, it is not even funny
of course, I get rejected by both too …</p>
<p>God I know…if I don’t get into UCSB I will be devastated…I didn’t get into LA/SD either</p>
<p>atticlights, if UCSB don’t take you, you might have to change your handle to atticlightsoff and we don’t want that …</p>
<p>for a second i was like *** I DIDNT POST THIS
haha :D</p>
<p>i think ur sat might a bit low but ur extra curricular and everything else is really nice and i would say you have a good shot</p>
<p>IN. </p>
<p>i had even lower academic stats. . .and i got in. xD</p>
<p>Thanks Hairy Lemon. You are always so optimistic. Do you really think I’ll get in? or are you just saying that? haha</p>
<p>To everyone else, can you guys give a percentage chance of my acceptance? </p>
<p>theleakers: At my school UCLA and UCSD were very very random. First of all UCLA admited this guy who had a 4.0 UC GPA, 1550 SAT, Not very many EC’s besides AVID and 1 year Varsity basketball. Second of all, UCSD admit 2 people with SAT scorces of 1450 and 1480. Those 2 had around a 3.8 UC GPA and they had modest EC’s at best.</p>
<p>I don’t hear much about my class getting into UCLA or UCSD, either my school really sucks or this year it is really random … may be they should just do without GPA and SAT …</p>
<p>theleakers: They should just make it lottery haha. I haven’t been accepted to any schools yet. I am waiting on UCSB, UCI, and UC Davis. What do you think my chances are to because accepted to atleast ONE of those schools?</p>
<p>^very good chances lol
for my school ucla/sd didnt do anything random…they actually took the “cream of the crop”
except me they didnt take me
MISSED OUT ON THE BEST PART…jk im not that good lol</p>
<p>FutureEEMajor: Do you honestly think I have a good chance? Because at this point, my confidence is at an all time low. I understand that UCLA and UCSD are much much harder schools to get into than UCSB but at the same time recieving the supplement from UCLA, then getting rejected from UCLA and UCSD, and seeing kids that are overall much more weaker applicants than I get into those schools is very demoralizing.</p>
It says right on the admission page at each UC that for Letters & Science (where your 2 listed majors are) that admission decisions are made without consideration of intended major.</p>