I HATE AP Bio!!! Should I drop it and add an easier class?

<p>AP Bio is killing me! First I went from a B+ to a C+ after I got a D on a test. Now it's down to a 75.9% after I got 20/100 points on an assignment that I worked hours on. Right now it's my lowest grade, and I'm afraid that it will only go lower. Should I drop it and take an easier, 1 semester course next semester? If it makes any difference I applied EA to five schools and I'm hearing back from one on Friday and another next week (hopefully). I was deferred from a college (Tulane), but it's at the bottom of my list so I don't mind too much if I get in trouble with them.</p>

<p>oh damn! tulane is a really easy school to get into.</p>

<p>may i ask what colleges u applied for EA?</p>

<p>and also, isn't it a little bit late to drop....wouldn't it mess up your credits?</p>

<p>Thanks for your comment BigWeight! It really lifted my spirits and bolstered my self-confidence :) I'm sure everyone you meet instantly falls in love with you when you makes such charming compliments!</p>

<p>I applied EA to SUNY Stony Brook (I'll probably get rejected anyways cause I'm OOS and the economy is crap), Seattle University, University of Denver, Northeastern University, and Oxford @ Emory</p>

<p>LOL, I see what you did there!! That was sarcasm!
Anyway, personally, I'd drop if I were you. I'm in AP Chem and it's HELL. I get Ds on all my tests, but somehow I have a solid B average. I don't know. If he didn't curve the tests, I'd be so gone. </p>

<p>Academically, an AP would be good. If you can pull it up, do so; if not, drop.</p>

<p>Anyone else notice that the clock thing is out of sync by several minutes?</p>

<p>What if I add 2 non AP semester long social studies classes? Would that look good?</p>

<p>well, i tried to give u advice, and even asked u which colleges u wanted to apply to, in order to help u out...:(</p>

<p>Well if you want your advise to be taken seriously then don't be a condescending jerk when you deliver it.</p>

<p>Depends on the colleges you are applying to. Competitive schools love those damn APs. I say stick it through, try getting a tutor or staying after school with the teacher.</p>

<p>I would stay after, but she has a baby:( For a picture of the selectivity of the schools that I applied to: Occidental College is the biggest reach and Loyola University Chicago is my safety.</p>