I hate Virginia Tech.

<p>As someone from Massachusetts considering Virginia Tech, I have to chuckle at the complaints that it’s too cold in the winter.</p>

<p>I always believe that what you put into something determines what you will get out of it. I do not know this persons experience but I can tell you that my freshman son, who we have not seen since we dropped him off, is having the time of his life. Yes, the dorms are small and unairconditioned, but he has never complained about it. He loves the atmosphere of the campus, has made new friends, is enjoying his classes, and works very hard all week to have his weekends freed up a little for football. When we skype him or text him, he is just so happy! We are looking forward to sitting with those 66k Happy Hokies this Sat when we visit. </p>

<p>There is a right fit for everyone when it comes to college, but as KandKsmom said-a negative attitude about Tech is rare.</p>

<p>Ditto as LynnVB. Haven’t visited since we dropped him off. He’s doing very well and couldn’t be happier. He picked VT.</p>

<p>Its funny… My S from Pa who is also considering VT has has talked to other students who have or are now attending and has also looked at many student reviews online and the one consistent factor about VT is how much the students love their school, regardless of dorms, a few big classes etc… We visited for a football weekend and the overall love for the school was palpable amongst the whole town… including residents of Bburg and the students… It is really unique … and we have been visiting many schools private/public/highly ranked etc… havent seen the love like TECH… but Im sure smaller schools are better for others…</p>

<p>dmt117 - we are from Mass too, hence the comment that the weather is better! there are not a lot of Mass residents at VT but enough. You see lots of Red Sox hats on campus. Good luck with your application - its a great school. Its a bit far but well worth it.</p>

<p>Bennnie, nice to hear from a fellow Bay Stater. One thing I was wondering about is how you get to and from VT. Do you fly down? Or might there be a carpool from Mass to VT?</p>

<p>dmt117 - So far we have driven each time our daughter has made the trip (about 3 trips including 1 to visit before appl, 1 visit after acceptance and 1 trip to drop her off at the start of school) I flew down to visit her just this past weekend. The drive is a bit long at 12 hours from our town (we live on the North Shore) but its really not bad. She is getting a ride home for Thanksgiving from another freshman that lives a few towns away. I think my husband is driving down to pick her up for Christmas.</p>

<p>To fly, I went from Logan to Detroit to Roanoke on Delta. I think you can also go through Dulles, Charlotte or Atlanta. Fare was $280 booked well in advance. From Roanoke, its about a 45 minute-1 hour drive to Blacksburg. There apparently is a bus from VT right to the airport for $5 too.</p>

<p>I’m North Shore as well (Danvers). My son and I are visiting VT in November, so he’ll get an idea of what the trip is really like. I used to travel between NC and NY regularly so I know what a 12 hour ride is like. I doubt I’d pay to fly him or me there and back… but it’s nice to know there might be others in the area who could carpool.</p>

<p>Top 5% in class? 2340 SAT? AND with an hook in being a minority? 4 posts since joining? Honestly, this account sounds like a straight ■■■■■ account. Not trying to knock Virginia Tech, but if you were to apply to an Ivy league school while needing financial aid and being a URM, OP sounds like he’d be a shoe-in and I’m wondering why he didn’t apply to somewhere somewhat more prestigeous. Either he’s trolling, or exagerating his statistics to appear as if his opinion was more viable or trustworthy. If he were that intelligent, I’m sure he would have had no trouble transfering to somewhere he would have liked. Long story short, why don’t we stop bumping up this thread and allow this thread to become buried?</p>

<p>PS: Why would a person who hated Virginia Tech make his username VTHokie?</p>

<p>dmt117 - I reasonably sure that there is a freshman from Danvers at VTech. My daughter recalled seeing someone on the 2015 accepted students facebook page, though she hasn’t met her yet. She has also met kids from North Andover and New Hampshire.</p>

<p>Its a great school - so far my daughter’s experience has exceeded every expectation. Every kid we met has been really nice in a genuine way - no attitudes, no snobs. My daughter is in Hypatia, an all women’s engineering living learning community - great support system to help them succeed as engineers that we didn’t find at Penn State or RPI. Only 15% of the engineering majors are women, so the extra support is appreciated.</p>

<p>If you have any questions please let me know, you can send me a private message if you like.</p>

<p>I also can’t stand VT, or Blacksburg. I’m a fourth year PhD student. I do like hiking in the area, but I think the school is too big for the town. I think people are impersonal. I don’t have anyone here I really care to keep in touch with when I’m finished. I also think it’s ridiculous that people are so baffled by that fact that someone legitimately doesn’t like it here. So now he’s a ■■■■■?? Whatevs, just thought I would express that he is not the only person who wishes they had chosen somewhere else.</p>

<p>So, you create a new account and revive an almost 1 1/2 year old thread just to complain about how much you can’t stand VT or Blacksburg? Yet you have hung around for at least 4 years! Unbelievable.Too funny!</p>

<p>Wow…can’t believe the above negativity. My son is waiting for an appeal to go through. He wants to be at VT so bad. It’s his first and only choice. He has been to VT many times via 4-H and FFA functions. He absolutely loves the campus. Dorms don’t have AC…that’s a small matter. It’s the school, experience and program that he desires. We know alot of students that go to VT and not a negative thing to be heard by any. Good luck to you in your transfer…there are so many students still waiting for that Hokie Bird and they will be truly upset if the don’t receive it.</p>

<p>@UghVTugh - welcome to CC! Your very first post and you had to look hard for a 1 1/2 year old thread from someone who didn’t like the university. It should come as no surprise that in a large university some people aren’t going to like it. If you find that “everyone” is impersonal the issue is probably in how you relate to others. Work on that or the issue will follow you wherever you go.</p>

<p>Since my S has actually decided on VT among 10 acceptances, I’m actually GLAD I took the time to read this thread. No one know until they LIVE the school how things really are, and like I’ve told my S, if after a year you are not happy you have my blessing to transfer… so I find it odd someone would spend all that time and enery getting a PhD in a place they despised! We are outside Philly so the cold, parking, etc do not bother us… I actaully went to university in Philly, saw someone pushed out a car and shot in the back on campus, but I still have warm feeling about that school… First degree from Wake, a different bird altogether… We felt there was something at each school we found endearing. He is not engineering (horrors), college of science and is so looking forward to being a Hokie…good luck to you!</p>

<p>last bit of advice for UGH… grow up !!! also have a S who is disabled and will never have the chance to hate any school. count your blessings…</p>