I have a goooooood question!

<p>first off, can internationals transfer to Harvard after freshman year (for sophmore year)?</p>

<p>The thing is, I have miserable stats</p>

<p>-Freshman GPA: 3.0
-Sophmore GPA: 3.0
-Junior GPA: 2.8
-Senior GPA: Unweighted:3.11 Weighted:3.69</p>

<p>-Verbal:570 Writing:660 Math:520
-US History:570(self study) MathIC: 550</p>

<p>etc etc... I do, however, have pretty decent ECs(president/founder of debate club, MUN, soccer, newspapers, interviewer etc etc)</p>

<p>NOOOOOW.... im thinking of going to the best university in my country and Im keen on doing well... say, i get straight As the first year... can I ,by any chance, transfer into HAAAVVAAD?</p>

<p>Harvard is not accepting any transfers. Check the website, I think it says --until further notice, or something to that effect.</p>

<p>oohhhh in that case… how bout some other Ivies, namely Princeton, Yale, Penn and Brown???</p>

<p>Check the websites of each school, or [::</a> College Planning Made Easy | Inside Source for College Admissions Requirements](<a href=“http://www.collegeboard.com%5D::”>http://www.collegeboard.com) to answer these questions for each school you are considering.</p>

<p>Thank you, njcentconf. But im looking for opinions…</p>

<p>unfortunetly u can’t transfer into princeton…they dont accept ANY transfers at all. ummmm, try cornell because I heard they loooooove transfers due to the fact that so many kids LEAVE their school and, thus, they have alot of seats to fill.</p>

<p>Hmmm thats nice… How bout Penn, Brown or Columbia?.. im going to be a business major</p>

<p>Bumpety bump bump</p>

<p>go ask in the boards of those schools</p>

<p>Lol, why are you looking for opinions? Other than chance threads or a few other things subjective things, cases like whether or not you can apply rely more heavily on hard facts. And the best way to get an answer to your question is to check out the colleges’ websites to see whether or not they have transfers.</p>