I have a hunch about facebook...please help me prove if it is right or not!

<p>So you know how people private their profile but leave certain things open to the public, such as info about hometown, sex, birthday, and sexual identity? This is just in general, but this hunch can also applied to profiles of people that you have as friends. </p>

<p>What I've noticed so far is that people who don't put down their sexual identity tend to be unsure or not straight. As in, they identity as lesbian/gay/bi/etc. Since we CCers don't know each other in real life, will you guys tell me if you have done it because you identity with something besides "straight" and you just don't have the courage to come out yet? </p>

<p>(Sorry if I've offended anyone in any way. That is not my purpose! I want to know because I'm curious about some of my friends.) Thanks!</p>

<p>You mean “interested in”? I think a good amount of people don’t put it because it’s just weird sounding lol. “I’m interested in women” yea… I sound like a creep. So maybe that’s why people leave it blank. A lot of people do, but I think only a small %age is not straight as you say…</p>


No, not true. Like what CrazyPluto said, it sounds weird.</p>

<p>I agree with CrazyPluto. I am straight. I left the interested in blank because I’m not on Facebook to hook up. I’m on it to connect with friends and family. So why, then, would there be any sense in declaring that I am straight? And I also feel that it makes you sound like you’re out to get booty if you do fill it in. You should only be friends on facebook with people you know in real life, and if that is the case, then chances are that they already know your sexual identity. So, why fill it out?</p>

<p>You know its funny cause I had the same “hunch” as in that people that are gay usually leave that section blank. In my opinion its mostly either they dont want some family members to know but they dont want to “lie” cause the friends theyre open to might see it, or that they dont want to seem like their “advertising” it, in my case its a mixture of both. It could also be that the person is closeted but just doesnt want to lie period.</p>

<p>Yup. I’m gay. I don’t have it on my facebook because right now I feel like that’s not the place to advertise it. I have no problem with people knowing, I’ll probably change it to men before I go to college. But in high school, I’d rather have people just ask me if they’re curious.</p>

<p>From personal experience, I feel like your hunch is right 75% (random high percentage) of the time with people who you SUSPECT are gay. For example, if there is an extremely fem guy (sorry for stereotyping… my bad… it’s for example purposes!) and he has it set to nothing on his fb… that might be an indication eh?</p>

<p>I’m straight, but I just felt awkward putting that. I have hardly any info in that section anyways…</p>

<p>Yeah straight too and not questioning or anything I just didn’t want to put it in because I always thought it was weird to put “looking for men” or whatever haha. I made it when I was 13 and am also partially too lazy to change any of my about me because it doesnt really matter that much, with the new fb you barely see that stuff anyway</p>

<p>I don’t think any of my gay/bi facebook friends have filled in the “interested in” section. I’ve noticed it as well. I do know a few straight people who left that section blank, but I totally get why someone would feel weird broadcasting their sexual identity online, no matter what it is.</p>

<p>There’ll never be a sure-fire way to tell, because the people who ARE gay (and who you can clearly tell are gay, i.e. not straight) and don’t want anybody to know or they’re still in denial or not out, will identify themselves as straight on Facebook, as if that’s going to convince anybody. :rolleyes:</p>

<p>Well, I’m bi, but I’m not even sure if it have a sexuality posted or not. If I did it would be straight, but most likely I didn’t put anything there.</p>

<p>I’m unsure, so I have nothing up.</p>

<p>I don’t put it up because its unnecessary and sounds weird. I’m not ‘intersted in men’ generally, but in particular guys that I know.
The only people I know who do have it up are those whose ‘straightness’ is often questioned by others, which makes sense I guess</p>

<p>Again, trying not to offend, it’s just what people I know do</p>

<p>i’m gay and mine is left blank. i’d say if it’s blank there’s a greater chance that a guy is gay (probably not the same for girls, though…i feel that MOST straight guys would want to advertise the fact that they’re straight a bit more). however, a guy with “interested in: women” could also very well be in denial.</p>

<p>As a straight female, I just changed to “men” (I left it blank for the past 4 years I’ve had my facebook), and it looks stupid.</p>

<p>I’m a guy and I left it blank because I’m in a relationship atm. tbh I never noticed, ha</p>

<p>I actually put women in but it did sound weird at first so I checked out others info and most of them put something so I did as well.</p>