<p>TPAM runs great distances.</p>
<p>TPAM is obviously a selfish snob because he's going to Harvard but can't even help me with my probability homework.</p>
<p>TPAM is bitter.</p>
<p>TPAM is damn right.</p>
<p>TPAM is the future President of the United States.</p>
<p>TPAM loves fuchsia sweaters.</p>
<p>TPAM is cool like that.</p>
<p>TPAM loves the mineral orthoclase.</p>
<p>TPAM likes rocks.</p>
<p>TPAM rocks.</p>
<p>TPAM is the best rabbit in the world.</p>
<p>TPAM tells the truth often.</p>
<p>TPAM is a lil' rabbit killer (I'm on to you, lil_killer/sunshineyday!!!)</p>
<p>TPAM eats lots of mutton and also oysters because he told me that.</p>
<p>TPAM is ambiguous.</p>
<p>TPAM wants to tell me what she means by that phrase.</p>
<p>TPAM is incorrect.</p>
<p>TPAM is correct.</p>
<p>TPAM is thinking about something right now [I'm psychic].</p>
<p>TPAM is psychic!</p>