I have a new game =)

<p>false, they tried to tempt me but I resisted! hahah</p>

<p>TPBM is ready for it to be JUNE</p>

<p>SO ready!</p>

<p>TPBM is watching adult swim...right now.</p>


<p>TPBM has a warrant of arrest in at least 3 states</p>

<p>11 at last count...but who's counting, anyway?</p>

<p>TPBM has a dog</p>

<p>True. </p>

<p>TPBM would get plastic surgery.</p>

<p>Absolutely not...that is just creepy, not to mention my friend who had a nose job and I SWEAR it looked better before...at least it looked real!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!</p>

<p>TPBM would never get plastic surg!!!!!</p>

tpbm doesnt have anything else to do but to post here</p>


<p>tpbm is chillll1n 2 50m3 m0051c</p>


<p>tpbm can read 1337 $p33|{but can't type it</p>

<p>n0 w4y n00b! i r 73h 1337 h4x0r!!</p>

<p>tpbm misses the Spice Girls</p>

<p>False. I have no idea what that says, please tell me. My friends have been typing like that lately and I get soo lost!</p>

<p>TPBM is soooo sick of planning crap for prom!</p>

<p>YES I REALLY REALLY MISS THE SPICE GIRLS!!!!! Actually I was jamming to them at this party the other night when all of a sudden a ton of boys arrived but I was too engrossed in SPICING UP MY LIFE to notice! YEAHH can we say EMBARASSMENT?!</p>

<p>And false because I haven't really planned anything for prom...yeah I'm a bad class officer!! Not to mention DATELESS! LOL</p>

<p>TPBM already has their prom dress</p>

<p>False! Haven't even looked yet! And part of me misses the Spice Girls too :o, I just posted too slow to realize it was there! haha</p>

<p>TPBM owns a designer purse.</p>

<p>TRUE! I'm completely obsessed with purses and I can admit, along with my family and friends, that I really do need a twelve step program for my addiction!!!!!!!!!!!!!!</p>

<p>TPBM thinks that I should creep off posting every 5 seconds and let someone else have a chance</p>

<p>well, i'm a guy...false</p>

<p>TPBM really really dislikes bush and wishes he were not on television at the present moment</p>

<p>false, i love your enthusiasm ^ ^</p>

<p>true, but i'm not watching mr. president on tv</p>

<p>tpbm has gotten dragostea din tei stuck in their head for an ungodly amount of time</p>

<p>errmmm, false i think. i dont know what dragotser din tie struk is. hehe. sorry.</p>

<p>TPBM is trilingual.</p>

<p>false... wait does pig-latin and gibberish count? lol</p>

<p>TPBM has read the dictionary</p>

<p>haha true</p>

<p>tpbm likes shopping for furniture</p>

<p>not really</p>

<p>TPBM cannot wait to go to college, or better yet, be accepted to their #1 choice.</p>