I have a question about the 2 years of language

<p>On the berkley update form, it says to plug in your grades for a language you took for two years with a grade of c or better. well i got C+/B- for the first year and second year i got C/C- how do i put those in and does the c- count?</p>

<p>i hope that makes some sense...</p>

<p>Did you take these courses in highschool? The C- shouldn’t count unless you went to some weird school where a C- was higher or equal to a C. They say specifically that you must have completed the courses with a grade of C or better.</p>

<p>I believe a C- counts for IGETC but not for the berkeley L&S.</p>

<p>no a c- does not count as passing for IGETC
[University</a> of California - Counselors](<a href=“http://www.universityofcalifornia.edu/educators/counselors/adminfo/transfer/advising/igetc.html]University”>http://www.universityofcalifornia.edu/educators/counselors/adminfo/transfer/advising/igetc.html)</p>

<p>if you get straight C-'s at a UC you’ll be put on academic probation.</p>

<p>Oh thanks for clearing that up sstory. I found the quote </p>

<p>“Complete two years of high school coursework in one language other than English with a grade of C or better.”</p>

<p>Looks like I gotta dig through some old transcripts to make sure things are okay.</p>

<p>If I got a C- in a foreign language class in high school my first semester, but got A’s and B’s in my second and third year of Spanish, would I still be required to take a foreign language class?</p>

<p>I’m looking at my high school transcript and there’s no plus or minus grades. Of course there were pluses and minuses on my report cards but for some reason none on my transcript.</p>

<p>Extention0: </p>

<p>For igetc, you only need two years of spanish. I think you should be okay. Always check with a counselor though.</p>

<p>I don’t think you’re okay for the berkeley L&S. But then again I would suggest looking at your transcript and not your report cards. I don’t think all schools report pluses and minuses on their transcripts.</p>

<p>those grades are from highschool, not community college.</p>

<p>You will find your answer on page 20 here: [url=<a href=“http://www.cacctcw.org/igetc.htm]IGETC.htm[/url”>http://www.cacctcw.org/igetc.htm]IGETC.htm[/url</a>] in the searchable version</p>

<p>Does UC Berkeley calculate GPA, including the grades for the foreign language classes in high school or they only care that “IGETC courses must be completed with a grade of C or better. A grade of Credit or Pass may be used if the community college’s policy states that it is equivalent to a grade of C or better”?</p>