I have a question for those of you who used PR AP Calc

<p>What chapters should I exclude if I'm using this book to prepare for the AP Calculus AB exam?
Thanks in advance.</p>


By the way, I meant Princeton Review AP Calculus AB&BC.</p>

<p>skip integration by parts (chapter 16). 18, 19, and 20. i’m not sure if AB covers volume of a solid of revolution (15).</p>

<p>look at the collegeboard AP curriculum for AB and see if they say anything about what’s covered on the AB test.
i’m taking BC right now, and my teacher said we covered all of AB for our midterm, and those were the chapters that we excluded on our midterm, so i assumed those were the ones you’d need for AB.</p>

<p>AB does cover volume of revolution because I just took an AB Practice Exam for my BC semester final and there were numerous questions about solids of revolution.</p>