I have a somewhat unique situation and could use some advice.

<p>Hey everybody. Heres the situation. In HS i knew I wanted to play football in college. I didnt really consider academics so I just went to a smal liberal arts school with litle academic reputation. I then realized how important my education was, and I had to get out of there. I applied to Brown and Emory with a 3.85 GPA after one year of college. My HS record was still hurting me though, Im sure. I had a 27 ACT and 1780 SAT along with a 3.6 GPA in HS. Anyways, I got in to Emory and I really do like it there. I miss football terribly though and would also like to be closer to home (Im from VA). After one semester at Emory I have a 3.85 (yet again) and am thinking about transferring another time. Here's the list of options I have at this point:
U of Richmond
Wake Forest

<p>I know some of those schools are very tough to transfer to. Im just wondering what you guys/gals thought about my chances to get in to these places and Im also curious about their academics. Id like to go somewhere thats strong in history, philosophy and religion. Aside from my academics, I also play a varsity sport at Emory and am involved in some religious groups on campus. I just want to go to a great school AND play football. I appreciate any advice, thanks!!!</p>

<p>It looks like u have the credentials to transfer. If you were good in football u can probably get into all the schools on your list. Georgetown and Davidson are really DII schools. Richmond and Furman are very good DIAA programs and Wake and Duke are DI. Seriuosly I would contact or send film to all the schools on your list. Never know what might happen</p>

<p>yea, I feel confident that Id make the team at davidson or georgetown. Furman and Richmond would be walk-on only, but Id have at least some shot. Duke and WF Id just be hoping to find some way on the scout team. The good news about Duke especially is that I doubt theres too much walk on competition because no one can get in haha. It’d still be tough tho.</p>

<p>colleges don’t recruit or offer leeway for transfer applicants like they do for hs sports recruits…i doubt that your football credentials will play that big of a role in your admissions…your gpa is solid however…it really will come down to the strength of your prof. recs, essay and ec’s for the more competitive schools (duke, gtown)…what are your ec’s?</p>

<p>also, gtown is great for history and religion</p>

<p>All of those schools have great academic reputations. </p>

<p>Are you hoping to play varsity football, or are you thinking intermural or club? IDK anything about the prospects a transfer has to play on the varsity team at those schools; but perhaps you already know how that works.</p>