I have a super quick question

My school gives out letter grades, but on my transcript those letter grades are converted into a percentage
For example, an A in a class equals a 95, A- equals a 93, etc.

Because my school does not rank or provide a GPA, I went on several websites to figure it out
When I enter letter grades, my GPA comes out to a 3.6, but when I manually averaged out my grades from a percentage, my average was a 91.5.
91.5% is a 3.7gpa

So is my gpa a 3.6 or 3.7?
Does it depend on the HS and college? Thanks.

In my experience, percentile grades do, in fact, give you a slight penalty. The more granularity in the grading system, the easier it is for teachers to shave off points to emphasize minor differences in student performance. You do have to calculate the GPA on the basis of the actusl grade given. In your case, that’s a 3.6.

The good news: no admissions office will give a hoot in a high wind about the difference between a 3.6 and a 3.7. Your letters and essay will have much more influence.