I have a weird application case... chance me?

<p>Alright so in my Junior year of high school I had a major depressive episode/insomnia and my parents refused to put me on medication.</p>

<p>I failed 3 classes, got one incomplete, and am currently taking them over again in an independent study program so I can move faster.</p>

<p>While I might have failed or dropped all of my AP classes I still took the tests and got </p>

<p>AP English 5
AP Chem 4
AP US history 4</p>

<p>And despite my failures I still have a 3.9 weighted and 3.3 UW</p>

<p>At the end of the year I went "insane" if you could call it that, said f*** you all and went across the country on a moped ending up in New York, New York where I slept with some strangers who happened to have the loft above the diplomat who had negotiated the deal between North and South Sudan.</p>

<p>Long story short insomnia + C-Span led to my realization that I want to live and go into Economics and Political Science.</p>

<p>I was the youngest editor on the newspaper 3 years, 3 years sports JV, 1880 SAT I didn't really care about. Now have a job, go sailing and backpacking, volunteer with kids at the community center, overall enjoy life.</p>

<p>AP Euro 5
AP Bio as freshman 4
My class rank says 2/20
AP scholar.</p>

<p>Wanted to go to community college because of close relationship with UCLA but how do I fair in the market my friends? I'm looking at Puget Sound or other liberal arts schools in the NW such as Lewis and Clark and Willamette. I like small. Others I'm thinking about.</p>

U of Vermont
U of O
US davis
bla bla bla</p>

<p>Thanks in advance guys, I would give you a hug but I'm sick.</p>

Pretty please.</p>


<p>First of all, congratulations on getting it together. This is most important.</p>

<p>In reading your post, I’m not clear whether you’re back home and completing HS,or on your own and working.</p>

<p>Be that as it may – your situation, I think, is beyond the expertise (as it were) of anyone on these boards. To the extent we can be of help, it’s because there is a knowledge base of ‘normal’ situations. Unique situations like yours are what I call ‘snowflakes’, in other words every one is different. We really have no basis to evaluate these.</p>

<p>Having said this – a couple of questions. Did you ever seek professional help? If so, a medical diagnosis would probably be a good explanation to schools. Otherwise, and I really don’t mean to minimize your accomplishment in battling depression, in any way, shape or form, but otherwise, I’m not sure how a college distinguishes between your case and someone who just crashed and burned during Junior Year.</p>

<p>In any event, assuming the worst, there are students who crash and burn during Junior year, and they still go to good colleges. So, you still should be well positioned to fulfill your dreams.</p>

<p>As to the colleges you mention – Tufts is the only one I really know much about. Your grades, as they stand are rather low for this school. However, I don’t know how they treat snowflakes.</p>

<p>Yeah , I’m back and completing my classes online using the APEX system, all AP and honors, taking calculus in a week. I did seek professional help however my parents are VERY against me taking any type of medication, however once I turn 18 I’m definitely looking into it. I do have a diagnosis from my social worker. </p>

<p>Thanks for answering.</p>