<p>Alright so in my Junior year of high school I had a major depressive episode/insomnia and my parents refused to put me on medication.</p>
<p>I failed 3 classes, got one incomplete, and am currently taking them over again in an independent study program so I can move faster.</p>
<p>While I might have failed or dropped all of my AP classes I still took the tests and got </p>
<p>AP English 5
AP Chem 4
AP US history 4</p>
<p>And despite my failures I still have a 3.9 weighted and 3.3 UW</p>
<p>At the end of the year I went "insane" if you could call it that, said f*** you all and went across the country on a moped ending up in New York, New York where I slept with some strangers who happened to have the loft above the diplomat who had negotiated the deal between North and South Sudan.</p>
<p>Long story short insomnia + C-Span led to my realization that I want to live and go into Economics and Political Science.</p>
<p>I was the youngest editor on the newspaper 3 years, 3 years sports JV, 1880 SAT I didn't really care about. Now have a job, go sailing and backpacking, volunteer with kids at the community center, overall enjoy life.</p>
<p>AP Euro 5
AP Bio as freshman 4
My class rank says 2/20
AP scholar.</p>
<p>Wanted to go to community college because of close relationship with UCLA but how do I fair in the market my friends? I'm looking at Puget Sound or other liberal arts schools in the NW such as Lewis and Clark and Willamette. I like small. Others I'm thinking about.</p>
U of Vermont
U of O
US davis
bla bla bla</p>
<p>Thanks in advance guys, I would give you a hug but I'm sick.</p>