I have about 50 days to prep for March SAT. Wat should i do?

<p>Hey guys.
I have 50 days to study for March SAT.
I already finished the BB and i was wondering if i should try the online course.
Is it gud? Is it worth buying it?
And i m planning to do a section per day. What do you guys think?
(I am aiming for 2200+ and i got a 2060 on Oct. SAT)</p>


<p>Vocab vocab vocab</p>

<p>What’s your section breakdown and weaknesses in each? That might be more helpful to us.</p>

<p>vocab, if you’re not good at it, will help a lot in cr.</p>

<p>uh. okay. here’s the breakdown of my score
CR: 630
Writing: 680 (Missed 5 and 9 on my essay)
Math: 750 (Missed 1 and omitted 1)</p>

<p>i am aiming for 2200s so i m planning to focus mostly on writing and math (get them to 800s)
So what do you guys think?
How’s the CB online course? does it help?</p>

<p>I’m in the same boat. I’m committing February to studying. I would just say go over all the vocabulary you can find, review all your old math formulas (I haven’t studied Geometry since Freshman year, so I really need to review), review grammar extensively (because I often find that confusing) and make sure to know a good deal of the common grammar mistakes you may need to recognize. </p>

<p>Perhaps practice essay writing? Working with prompts is good practice. </p>

<p>I mean, from your scores, you don’t sound too bad off at all. I’d say just work on your weakest areas the most and just review your strongest every now and then. Go over the types of questions you’re likely to miss. Usually, I’ve noted, people have a certain type of question that always presents a challenge.</p>

<p>Wow we’ve got alot in common! I got around the same as you on the October 08 SAT, and I’m also aiming for 2200+ . Today I took the January SAT, not sure if i went well on that one- Anyway, Heres how i studied for 40 something days between Oct & Jan.</p>

<p>MATH: I think you have to ace this one, because its the least ambiguous and there is always one solution and you can solve it. Your math doesn’t seem too bad, but you still have to work on the tricky questions. I made a note and wrote out all of the wrong/tricky questions I encountered on practice exams.</p>

<p>CR: 1. Finish a good book. As for me I read Frankenstein, I know it doesn’t seem like it will help you directly, but somehow it trains your eye to follow & grasp words. You’ve got to build stamina to stay on a passage and keep going. Reading is the best way. I think with concentration, 50 days are enough for you to get through a good challenging book.</p>

<li>Memorize- I hated this bit but you have to do it if you want reach your goal. The first few ‘fill in the blanks’ questions are really a scoring chance if you’re prepared. I used the Barron’s Vocab Word Master cards, red and blue. I couldn’t memorize all of them but knowing just half of the words listed on those cards is a big help.</li>

<p>Writing: 1. Just do practice questions, do a few and try to find a pattern of what your wrong answers. Go to the explainations and review what grammer you need to know. I found that I had to go to the basics. Try to understand the logic behind the grammer.
2. Essays- they take a long time to improve, all I can say for this is write practice essays, and *time yourself everytime. After writing for 25 mins, try to edit it and evaluate your essay based on the marking criteria.</p>

<p>I hope this advice was helpful. I am through with the SAT, and I hope you will be too.</p>