<p>the little girl on the left of the Hunger Ad (to your left) or the little girl on the right?</p>
<p>the little girl on the left of the Hunger Ad (to your left) or the little girl on the right?</p>
<p>There are no children in the little add about college student grants.</p>
<p>Logic or embolisms?</p>
<p>To ignore or to deny?</p>
<p>To deny.</p>
<p>Apathy or religious philosophy?</p>
<p>Religious philosophy.</p>
<p>To deny or to admit to yourself how stupid you've been?</p>
<p>To admit.</p>
<p>Harsh realizations or Desperate Housewives?</p>
<p>Desperate Housewives. I refuse to concede to myself.</p>
<p>Hmmmm or Say what?!?! ?</p>
<p>Kofi Annan or molecular biology?</p>
<p>molecular biology</p>
<p>hydroponics or politics?</p>
<p>Aria or that other word?</p>
<p>The New York Times or Rwanda?</p>
<p>**** or ****?</p>
<p>2nd ****</p>
<p>Facebook or Red Bull?</p>
<p>Red Bull.</p>
<p>Kim Jung Il or Mahmoud Ahmadinejad?</p>
<p>The newly added third option.</p>
<p>Social activism or informed consent?</p>
<p>Informed consent.</p>
<p>Spelling things wrong or irony?</p>
<p>Sarcasm or iambic pentameter?</p>
<p>Obscure references to Shakespeare or burying lone skulls?</p>
<p>Obscure references.</p>
<p>Starlight Over the Rhone or the avian flu?</p>
<p>Starlight Over the Rhone.</p>
<p>TPBM or TPAM?</p>