I have bad stats but..... do I have a chance D:

<p>Hello :) !
I REALLY wanna go to Purdue :) <3 But my stats are really horrible......... D:
Here are my stats:
Applying for: nursing!!!
OOS (Californian resident!)
Ethnicity: Asian
GPA: 3.3 unweighted 3.4 weighted :( I know it's horrible...
SAT I: 1840
SAT II: Bio- 590, Lit- 590, USH- 620
APs: AP Bio, AP US History, right now: AP Lit, AP Gov, AP Econ
* note for APs: unfortunately, even though I took AP bio & us history, I never took the tests because I chickened out D: I should have though... idk how much that is going to count against me..
- Class officer in junior year (social chair), and senior year now (historian)
- Part of the 2015 class committee for almost 4 years :)
- Korean club ICC rep & I helped form this club with a few of my friends~
- Leo club volunteering in 9th grade: 20 hours :T ..
- Link Crew club
- Played piano since 7th grade
- Been in school orchestra for 4 years
I am pretty sure my essays are good :) at least that is what my AP Lit teacher told me.. and my peers who have read them~
Thank you <3 !</p>

<p>I think some people need to realize what “bad” stats are. </p>

<p>You’ll be fine with those.</p>

<p>wow seriously ? your stats are fine for most of the purdue’s programs except for maybe pre-pharmacy and engineering</p>

<p>Honestly, I’m kind of iffy on your chances at nursing. The school of nursing is really small (try less than 100 per year) and really competitive. I can’t guarantee that you’d get in, but I can’t guarantee a rejection. You have a solid chance, but it really depends on the other applicants and such. Good luck!</p>

<p>I think your stats are fine, but I agree that nursing might be a bit of stretch.</p>

<p>I wish people would rethink their word choice when coming up with these topics. </p>

<p>As a prospective student with slightly better stats than yours, saying you have “bad” stats is discouraging to many who may not have scored as highly as you or me. Looking at the average SAT range for Purdue, you’d fall smack dab in the middle. So please, your stats are no where near “bad.” They may not be a perfect fit for your intended major, but they are not BAD.</p>

<p>That being said your stats are pretty decent. All we can do is hope and pray now. Good luck!</p>