And I have 3 weeks before finals to get it all back together. If I don’t improve, I have a feeling my parents won’t let me come back next year I am a biology major so the classes are hard its not like I’m not I’m not trying. I am trying so hard and its so frustrating to try so hard and still fail. I did overload myself this semester and ever since the beginning of semester, other bad things have been happening. I did well last semester so its not like I just don’t care. I am failing gen chem 1 right now. Only have 1 exam last and the final. Still won’t be enough to get me up to a c; which I need to take my next bio class. Math and biology I have NO idea what my grade is. The professors don’t post anything or give anything back. So I could be failing those too
I just don’t know what to do, I have never had this issue before. And if my parents don’t let me come back or I get on academic suspension, then I won’t even have the chance to reprove myself. Advice needed please
Go see your profs and ask where you stand in the classes where you don’t know. Find a Chem tutor ASAP. You should not have overloaded, and should have watched the drop date – be very aware of it in the future.
Usually you get put on probation, not academic suspension for one bad semester. Do your best to salvage this semester. Next fall focus very much on salvaging your GPA. Do not overload. Try to take 1-2 easy Gen ED classes (use rate my professor to avoid hard graders for now).
You may want to give your parents a heads up now if you haven’t yet. Tell them you took too many credits, and don’t think you have done well this semester. That you are doing your best to salvage it, and have a plan to get back on track in the fall. It will help if they have some time to get used to the idea before grades come out.
Bio is where the pre-meds are, and they are gunning for good grades. Some of them are repeating coursework they had in HS. You need to aggressively seek tutoring & help in office hours, try to find friends to study with, and don’t overload.