<p>First ACT:
English : 30
Math : 22
Reading : 33
Science : 24
Composite: 27</p>
<p>Second ACT:
English : 32
Math : 23
Reading: 29
Science : 25
Composite : 27</p>
<p>Third ACT:
English : 29
Math : 24
Reading : 30
Science: 24
Composite: 27</p>
<p>I'm getting really frustrated! I didn't study the first time, but I did the second and third time. Some things did improve ( like science and math), but my English and Reading dropped :( The average ACT score for my dream college is 32....so how can I improve? I might take some prep classes at a community college and read more, but besides that, I'm not really sure what else to do! I've taken honors English classes, AP Lang & Comp, AP Bio, etc.. but I still need to improve a lot.</p>
<p>Find out if the college you are interested in superscores the ACT then study for math hardcore. </p>
<p>Get Prep books. Do you have the Red Book?
If you haven’t written answers in for the test book I would advise getting Mike’s Black Book for the ACT
<a href=“http://www.amazon.com/ACT-Prep-Black-Book-Strategies/dp/0692027912”>http://www.amazon.com/ACT-Prep-Black-Book-Strategies/dp/0692027912</a>. It is supposed to be used in conjunction with the red book </p>
<p>English: try reading Erica Meltzer’s critical reader or you can search up a book I’ve haven’t really found any. I got a 32 without studying but English is what screwed me over so I got Jane Straus Blue Book of Grammar so I can actual learn grammar rules. But if you want quick and easy rules for punctuation then go on Meltzer’s blog. </p>
<p>Math: Barron’s I heard is good. I actually recently purchased Barron’s 36 because I heard the math is harder. But have you taken pre-calc yet or trig that might help. </p>
<p>Science: There’s really no book IMO opinion to study for science because just like reading you just have to find the answers within the passages. If the answer is not in the passage then it is wrong. </p>
<p>Also try taking the SAT it might be a better test for you, you never know. </p>
<p>Go to your local bookstore NOW and purchase several ACT prep books, though it sounds like you already did that.
Even so, your Math and Science scores showed almost no improvement. You likely lack a lot of knowledge about ACT Math topics, and you need a better strategy for the Science portion.</p>
<p>Embrace your inner 27. It is what your are at your core. You can try to boost your score, but this tells you where you are at. Going to a school where other have an ‘average’ of 32 will only frustrate you more as the other students will consistently outperform you. 27 is a great score. You can get into a great many schools with it. Move on.</p>
<p>I do have some act prep books, but not the Red Book. Also, I haven’t taken pre-calc nor trig, so that would explain why my math score is so low
I’ve never been great at math and science, but I do well enough to get a B in those classes.</p>
<p>try onlinemathlearning . com’s ACT math section to study up on math skills. Its full of videos to teach each lesson. You need to get the Real ACT Prep Book (aka the RED BOOK) pronto because it is the only book that has actual ACT tests by the creators of the ACT</p>
<p>Thanks for the help