<p>I'm a transfer student in California. Up until today, I was planning to attend UC Santa Barbara for my junior and senior year, just like any other typical student. However, today my mother told me that, basically, I have no choice but to study abroad, perhaps through UC Irvine's Education Abroad Program.</p>
<p>Well, I have absolutely no clue where to even begin. I've spent the last two years preparing for transferring to a UC, and now all of a sudden I find out I'm supposed to find universities somewhere else in the world that will:</p>
<p>1) Accept me, a transfer student,</p>
<p>2) Presumably through UCI,</p>
<p>3) And give me enough financial aid to make it financially feasible.</p>
<p>...She's said she want me to apply to Oxford (in the UK). I might be wrong, but it seems like Oxford would be insanely hard to get into, and I am not even close to a straight-A student. Moreover, would that university even accept me as a transfer student? I've done prerequisites for UCSB, but not UCI and certainly not Oxford.</p>
<p>I just have no clue what to do. All I wanted was to go to little ole' UCSB for two years, but now I've got to figure out how to study abroad. Even more insane, I plan on pursuing accounting. Who ever heard of a study abroad program for accounting?! o.O</p>
<p>My major at UCI would be Business Economics, if that makes any difference.</p>
<p>Please, I feel like a deer in the headlights. Two years of preparation has all of a sudden become moot, and I have no clue what to do.</p>