<p>anything 2000+, I really need this, but the critical reading just screws me over.</p>
<p>Math 720-800
CR 470-530 ( i hate this darn section, hope the curve'll be generous)
W 670-720
Total 1860-2050
I'd be the happiest guy on earth if i got more than 2000 :P
1800+? Well, i guess I would have to take it again.
I will take it again in December though, but a score of 2000+ would make it less stressful.
2 more day and 5 hours
God blesses me.</p>
<p>2200+, which is realistic for me but the range probably about 2150-2250</p>
<p>Just want to get to 2200. I got a 2150 my first time...and attempted to get my math to a 710 from a 660 to accomplish that. Gut feeling puts me at 730ish on math, based on what I think I got wrong and curves and everything. We'll see, though.</p>
<p>If I don't improve on anything, that's fine. I'm really happy with a 2150, but just wanted to HOPEFULLY to better. Still really nervous for some reason though.</p>
<p>Almost 2 more days!!!!!! :):):):):):):):)</p>
<p>i have a 1230/1600. i really just want a 20pt increase. Anything at that or above would be EXCELLENT!</p>
<p>I would be extremely happy with anything 1900+, but, unfortunately, I will probably only get like an 1800. Ughhh... I am tired of the stupid SAT and its dependence on me getting accepted to the college of my choice. I don't think I can wait until Thursday...</p>
<p>wait, when do scores come out anyway?</p>
<p>on thursday.</p>
<p>Supersenior -- </p>
<p>They SHOULD come out at 8 AM on October 25th.</p>
<p>However, some people on this board say that they tend to come out a day early.</p>
<p>I hope they're right!!</p>
<p>For the May SAT at least, I got them at midnight rather than 8 AM.</p>
<p>So it would be like 12 AM Thursday morning, Wednesday night. I hope it works that way this time, too!</p>
<p>i hope i get atleast a 19 combined, but if i manage to get a 550 in cr i wont even care if i get a 200 in M + W combined, 550 in CR would be a dream come true =D</p>
<p>but most likely got a 680m (skipped a few dam calc), 500Cr, 600W</p>
<p>hope i can get a 750cr.....i don't care abt math and writing~~~~praying</p>
<p>want this:
CR 650
M 800
W 650
CR 620-640
M 750-780
W 630-640</p>
<p>...don't know if I'll have time to take again :(</p>
<p>I would really like a 2180.</p>
<p>Sidenote: Can anyone please do the SAT question of the day on collegeboard? I keep getting -5/3 =/</p>
<p>How do you guys know what you're going to get? I did a couple practice tests and i got somewhere around 2050 but that was with the range...so i have absolutely no idea what to expect this thursday....i wonder how you guys know..</p>
<p>whatiscollege, just find the equation, which is:</p>
<p>x + 2x = y + 2y + 5</p>
<p>(you add on the 5 because that's how much higher the x equaj is than the y)</p>
<p>then from there you can just solve algebraically.</p>
M 800
CR 700
W 700+</p>
<p>I don't think I'm getting this, but I feel like this SAT are a last thing that could make my apps look better.</p>
just 60 higher than my May score. retaking due to 670 CR.</p>
<p>actually...forget the composite score...i just want 700+ CR. 750+ W would be cool but CR is what I need. math is already perfected.</p>
<p>I just wanna break 2000. I always get in the mid 1900s and I need to raise it. I feel confident though.</p>