i have transferred multiple times...

<p>i want to transfer to wustl this fall but i am worried that this being my fourth transfer will affect my chances in getting in. also, i am from st.louis and i was wondering if anyone knows how wustl feels about students from the st.louis (i.e. are they more likely to reject st.louis natives)?</p>

<p>wow... at least now i feel better about having two transfers under my belt...?</p>

<p>(sorry i can't answer your question)</p>

<p>One of my friends just transferred to SUNY Plattsburgh and is now transferring out...for a grand total of seven transfers... If you have legitimate reasons for transferring, you should mention them. But if they're reasons like "The campus housing center wasn't helping me switch dorms" (Like my friend's excuse), you may want to leave it out.</p>

<p>Either way, you should really consider explaining your situation in an essay. It's better that they understand where you're coming from rather than jump to conclusions on their own.</p>

<p>are you kidding....SEVEN? i dont see why someone would transfer more than twice.</p>

<p>How are there even that many opportunities to transfer? Most colleges don't accept people who are higher than rising juniors, and many don't accept people mid-year. If you went to a different college each semester until junior year the most you could transfer would still be four.</p>

<p>And jesus, why would you want to transfer that many times, even more than once? I'd rather be at a school that I wasn't crazy about and have a steady group of good friends and plenty of involvement on campus than have to start all over again every semester.</p>

<p>Ask him, not me.
I still don't have one transfer under my belt, much less seven.</p>

<p>heres how it went---</p>

<p>first school: didn't finish my second semester there (no credit for that semester, so total of 16 credits); second school: only went for one semester (received only 12 credits), third school: went on and off, it was a CC, (received 15 credits), fourth and current school (32 credits by end of year), which comes to a grand total of 75 credits. i am positive some of those credits won't transfer and my reasons for leaving each school are rock solid (mental health, family crises, ect). </p>

<p>there is your how and why i will be able to transfer in as a junior. </p>

<p>the biggest reason i want to transfer into washu is b/c i finally realized what i want to do with my life (research anything related to cognition) and washu has ridiculous research opportunities and my school has zero.</p>

<p>I wouldnt mention mental health as a reason you needed to withdraw from school if I were you.</p>

<p>Mental disorders can not be cured, only treated. Even if your 100% now, if they hear somthing like that they may be worryied about you relapsing and dropping out of their school aswell.</p>

<p>yeah, that is a good point. and because of that i did not mention it in my reasons for transfer. unfortunately, my essay is evasive when it comes to the reasons why i transferred OUT of a school, but are good for why i transferred IN. i hope that doesn't ruin my chances.</p>

<p>to kindofblue, what if it was a school you weren't crazy about and you didn't have any friends and there were barely any opportunities for campus involvement...</p>

to kindofblue, what if it was a school you weren't crazy about and you didn't have any friends and there were barely any opportunities for campus involvement...


Then research your schools better before enrolling in one.</p>

<p>good point. </p>

<p>but what if you were in a small village in bolivia working in the jungle all day during your first year of college, so there weren't many opportunities for in-depth research of colleges in the u.s.?</p>

<p>haha, i'm not really wanting to argue at all though, just trying to say that there are definitely some exceptions, and very good, legitimate reasons for transferring more than once. </p>

<p>although, seven does seem quite odd, and colleges will probably at least be wary of it, at most think it's ridiculous and reject you. you will probably need to explain all those transfers. what i did (the admissions offices i talked to advised this) was write a separate essay in addition to the regular why transfer one, explaining my previous transfers and such...</p>

<p>*by seven i mean four</p>

<p>liz6298 i agree with you and i know it is likely that they will ask themselves why in the hell they would let me. </p>

<p>as far as what the admissions office advised you, i don't know if this is what you mean but i sent in a 'personal essay: descriptive' and an essay about why i want to go to washu. i am confused on whether or not i should have sent in my personal essay. should i have sent in anything else?</p>

<p>well i guess i was referring to using the common application, and obviously writing a really great, interesting essay for that main writing sample, then i guess washu might have an essay of their own on something specific, theennn in addition i wrote a very simple, basic explanation of my situation and sort of what has gone on the past 3 years that has brought me to transferring twice. not anything really elaborate or creative, just a thorough, exact explanation.</p>

<p>i guess you definitely might find a chance to explain your situation (including all the previous transfers) in one of the required essays. i'm mainly just saying to make sure a very clear explanation gets in there somewhere, even if it needs to be in a separate supplemental essay or letter or note or something.</p>

<p>gotcha. i think i covered it then.</p>

<p>What are your stats?</p>

<p>college: 3.7 gpa, dean's scholarship, dean's list, some other little stuff; high school i sucked royally: 2.4 gpa, 25 ACT (yeah, embarrassing) but i'm hoping that they will see that i have improved a lot since then and i have taken difficult courses in college....what do you think? oh and i have an awesome rec from my prof that teaches (cognitive psychology) which is want to research at washu...what are your stats kindofblue?</p>