<p>deus, you ought to create your own thread. This one's tables are repeating off my screen anyway.</p>
<p>cream cheese</p>
<p>new york city...</p>
<p>canal street bags</p>
<p>a gelatinous subtance that u put on minor cutz and stuff and under band-aidz so that they heal quicker and also a thing which if you get it on ur handz iz so hard to wash off cuz it formz little dropletz and stuff and it's really problematic</p>
<p>Parody delivered.</p>
<p>jibjab.com .....</p>
<p>georgie bush</p>
<p>"Bring 'Em On" (the movie--not the quote)</p>
<p>Damn, never mind, it can't be the movie...it would've been too awesome if there was a connection between his cheerleading and his foreign policy.</p>
<p>Bringing Down the House (the book)</p>
<p>A House Divided</p>
<p>(against itself cannot stand?)</p>
<p>Abraham Lincoln</p>
<p>Log Cabin...</p>