I Hope I Don't Get Into Brown

<p>Nothing4me – grammar on message boards will never be perfect. Smile, calm down, and enjoy life.</p>

<p>See how much finaid they give you before you withdraw.</p>

<p>^^^^ they really weren’t that bad, and I didn’t think mine were UChicago spectacular (I avoided the “how did you get caught” one though :b )</p>

<p>@ TresElefantes - my parents would kill me before letting me do that</p>

<p>@liberationn15. I apologize.</p>

<p>Don’t hesistate with Tres Elefantes. Disregaurd his post.</p>

<p>oh :(</p>

<p>hopeful, i’m a she.</p>

<p>Congrats on your acceptances, those are amazing colleges.</p>

<p>^^ thanks lol</p>

<p>^ I really hope not. It would make everything so complicated</p>

<p>Thanks! I just need to work on my SAT scores, ace AP tests, and SAT IIs. Plus, keeping up grades for one more quarter can’t hurt lol :wink: I’m a bit worried because I got a C+ (79.3-was .2 points away from a B- lol) first semester junior year in Honors-Precal. It looks like I’m going to finish the year with an 84 or so. At least, when going by final grades, I will a B and a B+ (on a 10 pt scale). Sure, not a 4.0, but hey we all can’t be perfect!</p>

<p>And wherever you go, I’m sure you’ll succeed :slight_smile: Stay on CC, too many people have left lol</p>

<p>nothing4me – Don’t apologize :slight_smile: I feel your pain on this issue, but I think bad grammar on the web is par for the course now a days and just something with which we must learn to live. ( <– Prepositions are not phrases I end sentences with!) :D</p>

<p>^ my necroing has taught me to value those that remain haha</p>

<p>“If I get into _____, my family will probably put a ton of pressure on me to go”</p>

<p>YES, i can totally relate to this. i almost don’t even want to get accepted in to <em>a single</em> reach school because i would probs be forced to go there, lol.</p>

<p>^ EXACTLY! It’s awful.</p>

<p>I still fail to see why you applied there. o.O
Okay. I’m crossing my fingers for you!</p>

<p>My parents wanted me to apply to Yale, but I was like “I dun want to. I won’t get in”, so they were like “kk”, but since I’m a distant legacy at Brown, my parents would have been mad if I had not applied.</p>

<p>I hope you do get into VT (?)</p>

<p>I would’ve applied to Chicago if it weren’t for the essays.</p>

<p>I’ve never cared much about VT? L0L good one.</p>

<p>Hopefully you get into George Mason then:)</p>

<p>^Yes, hopefully</p>

<p>"I would’ve applied to Chicago if it weren’t for the essays. "</p>

<p>I love Chicago’s essays >=O</p>

<p>^i would love reading responses, but i would definitely hate writing one, lol.</p>