I had 6 AP exams this May, all of which were for classes that I took this year. These are my results
AP Calculus BC - 3 (AB subscore is also 3)
AP English and Composition - 4
AP Gov + Politics - 4
I was expecting apeng and ap gov to be 4’s because I really didn’t care about credit for those classes but calc was supposed to be my easiest exam due to the fact that I got A’s both semesters and studied the most for that exam. I honestly was shocked when I got my score back this morning and started crying when it finally sunk in. I was so surprised because people who had C’s and D’s in calc this year and studied less than me for the exam still managed to get 4’s and 5’s. I just don’t understand how this is possible. Will this look really bad on college apps due to the fact that 42% of all test takers got 5’s while another 16% got 4’s on this exam this year, effectively putting me in the bottom half? Is there any way I can send in all my scores but calc to colleges and will that affect me during admissions. I was thinking a mc rescore but does it help or hurt you in most cases? Thanks
You didn’t bomb it. The world will continue to turn. Your college prospects are not doomed. Just don’t report it if you are concerned. There is nothing you can do about it.
@Lindagaf is correct.
In 99% of the cases, from what I have seen, there is no change.
yeah just don’t bother reporting it. From what I’ve heard AP scores don’t mean as much in admissions as we think. The grade you got in the class is more important. And yeah, rescores usually don’t amount to anything. None of my friends have ever had any success with them. if you really want a rescore and you have the money then sure do a rescore, but just know that the chances are very very very very high nothing will change, But please don’t worry about it. You are going to be just fine 
Don’t worry at all about the 3 in BC, send it, because colleges will think you got a 1 or a 2. However why don’t you have an AP science, that will be the bigger concern that selective colleges have.
When I went to school a 3 in BC actually got credit.
Thanks for the reassurance! You probably missed it but I had apes which is ap environmental science. I was originally also supposed to take AP Chemistry but could not get a spot. My school gave first preference to seniors due to the fact that it was only offered one semester this year 
To be honest, you should not really “care” about your scores as long as you pass. Idk what college you’re going to, but most colleges give you credits for what you have. Having taking AP Calc AB and BC (and passing) allows to skip 2 damn classes of math in college. So whether you get a 5 and skip those or a 3 doesn’t matter in my eyes.
@theloniusmonk Yeah I already took AP Biology last year and am going to take AP Physics 1 and 2 my senior year.
Ok, you’re in good shape and you also have BC, APUSH, APLAC and GoPo, so you’re not going to be labeled as someone who avoids the tough courses.
Nowhere in the OP does the user ask if APES is a “serious AP” or if AP Stats is more rigorous than AP Calc or what a Tufts AO had to say, so the 10 posts I deleted served only to derail the thread. Please keep to topic.