<p>i hate this stupid new age technology thing. people used to at least have the decency to do it in person.</p>
<p>Let's see it. That is so tacky. I know soeone who got dumped via a text message after 3 1/2 years.</p>
<p>It's almost always the guys that use texting and email to dump their girlfriends. Guys are gonna try to avoid the confrontation that is bound to arise when you break up with someone, whether it be in the form of crying or anger. Do I agree with this method of breaking up with someone? No, but I can see why some guys would. Watching a woman cry because of your actions and/or words doesn't feel good, especially one that you still care about, but just not in the same sexual way as before. Some guys just don't want to face the music.</p>
<p>wow that sux.....but its ok :)</p>
<p>it just shows that they person was not decent and do yo want that in your life- a person who cares so little and is such a wuss?</p>
<p>Wow. They could have at least done it in a private way. I'm sorry.</p>
<p>Lol, every poster above me was probably a girl.</p>
<p>wait... he sent you a personal message, right? if he wrote it on your wall, that would be TORTUROUS.</p>
<p>One person I know found out about his breakup when the relationship line on facebook suddenly changed on him. It popped up on everyones home page saying that he and his girlfriend has ended their relationship, but he never got an explanation.</p>
<p>Poke them. Hard.</p>
<p>it sucks. but unfortunately people are cowards. it sucks. trust me. what sucks even more is now people who see you've been dumped/ broken up on facebook will now be like "awww. do you need a hug?" well meaning but seriously, if you want to be supportive do it in person.</p>
<p>but feel better--i can only say it over the internet because I don't know you.</p>
<p>I actually have broken up with a guy in a text message, but that was because he wouldn't answer my calls because he knew what was coming.</p>
<p>Remember when George wouldn't answer the phone on that episode of Seinfeld so the girl couldn't break up with him?</p>
<p>World</a> of Seinfeld: George Costanza: The Answering Machine</p>
<p>believe it or not george isn't at home please leave a message at the BEEP...I must be out or I'd pick up the phone, where could i be? believe it or not, I'm not home.</p>
<p>anyone who dumps you on facebook was not worth the effort lol</p>
<p>i'd assume you hate her right now. I hope your still facebook friends and you ahve pictures of her nekkid.</p>
<p>what if a guy dumped you at a restaurant? </p>
<p>i ask this because this happened. yesterday… to me.</p>
<p>im a guy, i agree that sucks, hopefully you didnt meet her over facebook too, lol</p>
<p>Order the gold plated truffles and walk out.</p>
<p>I dumped someone over AIM but I think the situation justified it.</p>
<p>The good thing is you’re in college and there are a ton of girls around so tough it out until you get through finals, take a month off back at home to relax over Christmas break and come back ready to go at it (girls or guys depending on which way you swing) again.</p>