I just got suspended for plagiarism. Will this effect my chances to go to UC

<p>I just got suspended for plagiarism. Will this effect my chances to go to UC?
Well today I just got called in to the discipline office and they told me that i took someones paper, erased the name, and put my name on it. I accually did this, so now they put it down as plagiarism and im going to get suspended for a day. How will this effect my chances to get into UC? I have good grades, but that one time i really needed that score and i forgot my homework.</p>

<p>I know it was really stupid of me to do it and i should be punished for it. But how much will it effect me?</p>

<p>It depends on how the admissions officer reading your application weights this offense. I'd say it's pretty severe; if you do this in college, you can get thrown out.</p>

<p>It will absolutely effect your chances! With all the UC applicants why would they take a chance on you after you pull a stunt like that?</p>

<p>Very poor decision making. Welcome to adulthood - your actions have consequences!</p>

<p>so im screwed for any uc and csu now?</p>

<p>well on the application it says to explain if you got suspended for any action, so if you explain it, they will see it as bad decision making, but if you're a super good candidate, you probably still stand a chance of acceptance.</p>

<p>It will take a lot to overcome that. maybe not for all the schools, but probably for the majority of them. i know someone who was in a similar situation.. he applied and was accepted to several good schools (including Duke, Princeton), got busted for plagiarism, and had his admissions rescinded. he ended up going to a CC.</p>

<p>Geez... why would you ever do that? especially now in your senior year. </p>

<p>that sucks... all i can say is you'll have a lot of time to think about whether the prospect of a zero/50% on ONE homework assignment was really worse than the consequences of plagiarism</p>

<p>^oh im a junior ^
so my only choice now is to go to a community college and then transfer?</p>

<p>Yes, you will most likely be forced to attend a community college. No offense, but I don't believe any respectable college/university would accept someone who plagiarizes. This is the gravest of academic sins...</p>

<p>^no, i'm not saying that will happen with you. i was just giving an example of how bad these things can be. </p>

<p>if you're only a junior, at least you have time to make it up and show the colleges that you've changed. if you bust your tail for the next year, both in the classroom and with ECs, you at least have some chance at mid/low-level UCs/CSU</p>

<p>you won't get into Berekely or LA.</p>

<p>Your only option isn't community college, that's stupid. Everyone makes mistakes.</p>

<p>However, you will definitely have to explain this well on your future college application. College apps have a space where you are asked about whether you've been suspended in the past and then to describe what happened. All you have to do is shown that you have learned from your mistakes. It's not a place to make excuses - that shows that you obviously haven't grown more mature. Instead, it's a place to fess up, show you know you were wrong, and show that you've changed. </p>

<p>It will definitely affect your chances but don't give up hope. Make up for it by working extra hard second semester.</p>

<p>You are in deep trouble, but you can show that you changed with a good honest essay. You have chances anywhere, but it's all up to you if you can change the way they view you.</p>

<p>no he is screwed over; sorry but this is reality.
They dont mind suspension over something as bringing alcohol or some small immature thing, but what colleges look for is that you can be academically honest, and if they see plagarism, that is about as bad as suspension can get (besides using a weapon at school)</p>

<p>damn so my only choice is to go to community college and transfer than -_-</p>

<p>You got what you deserved, and a day is too little. It is in no small part the cheaters who have ruined this country and why we are in the mess we are in.</p>

<p>man why would you do such a thing??</p>

<p>I dont know what these guys are smoking. You still have a great chance of getting into a UC school if your grades and other stats are respectable. A bunch of my older freinds got suspended or even expelled for cheating and plagiarism and they got into our best state school and some other privates.</p>

<p>hmm, well i know that colleges will say they cant trust you if you do plagarism.
My GC said that the only reason why colleges will find suspension distasteful is if you show any sign of dishonesty or corruption of morality</p>

<p>@ Scotchtape:</p>

<p>If your friends got suspended/expelled for cheating/plagiarism, there is no guarantee that it will show up when the GC/school needs to check the "Yes/No" box for academic dishonesty. Easily, your friends could have struck a deal with a school. For example, a friend of mine got expelled for cheating but took a stipulation to transfer districts and have it erased off his record since it was his first time. </p>

<p>So perhaps your friends' records were actually clean when they applied.</p>

<p>What was the nature of the plagiarized assignment? You said it was HW. Did the assignment require any original thought or analysis? If that is the case, you are in big trouble as most have said. But if its a worksheet or something I don't think its as big of a deal. I would characterize that as simply cheating on homework and not full blown plagiarism. I hope thats what it was for your sake.</p>

<p>Yeah, in all honesty CC is your best option. Unless you have a good excuse for it (IE your mother died and you didn't want to fall behind in school), its gonna be CC then transfer. Don't worry though, CC isn't THAT bad. Bust your tail on standardized tests and CC classes, get a 4.0 in CC, amass a gazillion extracurriculars, DONT get busted for cheating in CC and you're all good. You'll even save money!</p>