I just need advice..

<p>I have doubts about this class German 3. Should i drop it or not? </p>

<p>Here is some extra information:
I already took 2 years of foreign language (german)
I am currently taking spanish and hoping to take AP next year.
I hate my German teacher.
I had her already for German 2
She teaches AP German.
I always fall in sleep in that class.
This german class is actually an IB class, and i am not in IB.
This include i have to do IB work and i only get regular credits (4.0)
I always get A for her class.
I feel that the language is useless.
I already know Dutch.</p>

<p>So any advice? should i drop this class or not? Thank you!</p>

<p>Ummmmm....Wow. This is really convoluted. As someone who places high value on learning foreign languages, I say you should keep it. If you always get an A, I don't see why you'd want to drop it. What would fill its spot in your schedule? And if it's an IB class, that will look really nice on your transcript. The language is certainly not useless if you go to Germany, Switzerland, Austria, or Liechtenstein. I don't know about you, but I think that's a large enough area to make the language useful. Unless you're going to replace German 3 with something more rigorous (an AP), there is no reason you should drop this class.</p>

<p>what ?? joining an IB class for regular credit? just drop it lol, focus and do better on other subjects instead.</p>

<p>I say keep the class.</p>

<p>I would suggest dropping it, since you clearly don't like it and there are other subjects you enjoy more that you could be taking, and you already have enough foreign language classes.</p>

<p>Given that you have no interest in the language (and so will likely forget it in later years, rendering the class quite useless), the only reason for you to otherwise take it would be for the purpose of fulfilling some school requirement or looking good to colleges, but your Spanish class probably already fulfills those conditions.</p>

<p>I say drop it. ;]</p>

<p>drop it....its completely pointless to knowingly put yourself in the clutches of a horrible teacher</p>

<p>Drop it, you're fine with spanish. Don't waste your time in one class (that's 50 minutes of free eating time and/or pokemon for you)</p>

<p>Fine, drop the damn class! :]</p>

<p>I still say keep it. I don't care what you all say.</p>

<p>And neither do any of us care about what each other says on here... ;)</p>

<p>Looking at your post, I think you've already convinced yourself to drop it.</p>