Hi everyone, I’m a current freshman at college, and like a lot of other freshmen, I’m so lost. To be a tad bit more specific, I really just don’t know what I want to do with my life.
While my strongest subject is, and always has been, English (literary analysis and writing), I am also strong when it comes to sciences and math. Currently, I am an undeclared engineering major considering a possible double in English, but other than that I don’t know what to do.
My interests are scattered all over the board. I love visual arts, designing, building, journalism, chemistry, bio, math, the environment; it’s a lot to say the least. I’ve always been told I’d be really good at architecture, and that is one of my interests, but unfortunately my school only offers that as a minor (although I am planning on grad school).
Basically, one of my ideas right now is to get a degree in Environmental Engineering (a division of civil at my school), grab the minor in Architectural studies, and then either double major or minor in visual arts. Hopefully, when combined with grad school, I would be able to either go into landscape architecture or design sustainable homes and buildings, both of which are interests for me.
I really just wanna know how viable something like this is, and see if I can talk to anyone who has done anything like this. Aside from this, I really don’t have any other ideas that build towards a certain career path. I really only know I like design, science, writing, and math.
Any help with be GREATLY appreciated. Thanks.