<p>and they were so pretty. :)</p>
<p>I saw Uranus.</p>
<p>Plus, I met this good-looking guy who showed me Saturn's rings through his telescope. I'd share a telescope with him any day.</p>
<p>I've seen Saturn and some other planet, Mercury or Jupiter I think. It was pretty cool.</p>
<p>We could see CLOUDS on Jupiter and this guy built the telescope we looked at them with himself. And he'd gone on trips to Argentina to get a Southern Hemisphere view of the sky..impressive. He wasn't the hot one, though. He was like 45.</p>
<p>haha, yeah...ours was some creepy old guy. They took us to some observatory (I think it was called Yerkes?) and then we got to take pictures of the moon. Pretty awesome, but no cute guys :(</p>
<p>Hahah we talked to this guy and looked at Saturn (which was soo awesome!), went to go see another telescope, and then came back and asked him to find a constellation for us ;)</p>
<p>Great, Leah! I reckon once I viewed Saturn through the telescope, and found that it looked similar to the "CBS" icon. An interesting experience no the less.</p>
<p>I saw Neptune, Mars!</p>