<p>disaster, was doing my barnard essays like crazy and in doing so completely forgot about BC (because it has no essays and was on a different version of common app). accordingly, i submitted it when i remembered at 1:30 am, an hour and a half late. what do i do? email them? what do i say? literally having a nervous breakdown</p>
<p>update: can't email them because their admissions office doesn't have an email listed on the website. do i call tomorrow?</p>
<p>I would recommend not doing anything and just hoping for the best.</p>
<p>if i get rejected for this i will kill myself</p>
<p>Breathe. Try to get some sleep. Call in the morning.
Some schools are lenient on this sort of thing.
Ask the office how they handle these sorts of situations.
Freaking out won’t do you any good.</p>
<p>Ah. You’re right, thanks. I’ll just feel really bad if they won’t consider my application since I paid the $70 fee and it would really suck to lose that money. Thanks, though
I’ll see what they say tomorrow.</p>
<p>If you were able to submit the application, you will still be considered. If you were truly late, you would have seen an error message when trying to submit.</p>
<p>NEVER wait until the deadline to submit. The application has been open since Aug 1?!?!</p>
<p>Yeah, there was an error message at first (I think because so many people were on Common App at that time, it kept freezing) but then it submitted successfully, so I’m not really sure what’s going on.</p>
<p>Haha you’re absolutely right, I don’t have an excuse and I don’t claim to. I didn’t even consider BC until last week so everything regarding my application there has been super last minute. What happened, happened I guess :/</p>
<p>Diana2012, if the Payment section on your common application form says “Complete” and the Application was “Downloaded: 01/02/2012” then it should be fine because your application went through. </p>
<p>Usually, schools do not care (and I don’t even think they have access to knowing) that someone submitted their application late between 1 and 3 hours because of two reasons:
- Colleges typically do not download the applications until the following day, thus most applicants, except those who submit their application very early in the morning, will not have their applications downloaded until the day following the deadline.
- Timezones: People apply to BC from across the world. I am not sure where you live, but I assume that: You are on one time zone, the common application server runs on another time zone, and BC runs on Eastern Pacific time zone. Unless the app displays and converts timezones, all the college will know is that you submitted your application and it was downloaded January 2 with a few thousand others.</p>
<p>If you are worried about it, call their office and ask. The BC reps are wicked nice, I know that much. Calling will clear your conscience!</p>
<p>Hope this helps</p>
<p>Imagineer-- Yeah, it doesn’t say downloaded, which makes me really nervous. However, I know that BC is closed today so I’m hoping maybe that’s why they haven’t downloaded. I’m going to wait until tomorrow when they’re back and if it’s still not downloaded by then, I’ll call.</p>
<p>Thanks so much, that really did help :)</p>
<p>please let us know if they didn’t mind; the same happened to me too</p>
<p>You’ll kill yourself because you won’t get accepted into a college that you didn’t even consider until last week? BC must be AMAZING.</p>
<p>Call to confirm… the admissions reps at B.C. are human, theres a good chance they’ll understand</p>
<p>My GC did call and leave a voicemail, but even before they got back to her they sent me a username/password for their site and a “thanks for your app!” email. When my GC talked to the admissions people they didn’t seem to mind, so I guess I somehow got away with being a complete spaz. I think what people said about colleges not noticing a one or two hour late submission is true, since BC fully accepted my app and everything. I feel lucky haha</p>
<p>Hello there diana2012. i am a distraught person because i have done the same with my columbia university application. everything was there. i just had to press submit. however, there were technical difficulties as i sat there, staring at a screen that had a rotating circle, because it was loading for the last ten minutes before the deadline. i understand that it was my fault for being last minute. however, i wanted to ask…did you get accepted to that college? even though the application was late? i stayed up reading some info online and im not sure if that is truly a detriment to my application? will it just take away all of my financial aid? this was my dream school. and by dream school i mean through the naked eye, it was somewhat out of my reach. please help, thanks.</p>
<p>Common app promises that all apps received Jan 2 for the Jan 1 deadlines will be honored as being timely. <a href=“https://twitter.com/commonapp[/url]”>https://twitter.com/commonapp</a></p>