I keep getting rejected

I sure hope so. I do need financial aid but I don’t hear until a week from now. Even if not, it’s still very reassuring to get into such an amazing school!


@Lindagaf, that was the best rabbit hole I’ve ever stumbled upon on CC. I followed your D’s journey with ba(i)ted breath (lol!) through plot twists, wait lists, and eloquent missives from Miss Lindagaf. I raised my glass first to Kenyon, and then to Bates…5 years too late!

As the mother of an also Average Excellent student, I really identified with the story. My D is a freshman and I hope that in 2024, I will be writing my own effusive post about D’s experience and trajectory (inspired by your May 2020 post!), and that CC will join me in raising a glass to cuppasbux’s D. Thanks for a great story!


If considered by selectivity, you have gotten into a top-50 school, which should meliorate your concerns regarding rejection:

Based partly on your acceptance at UMichigan, it seems probable that you will get into some colleges in the selectivity range of, say, BC, which would mean you will see lots of acceptances going forward. Colleges more selective than this may remain reaches, but you may receive acceptances from a few from this group as well.

My son is in a highly rigorous private school. He has 6 APs (they don’t offer many and there are restrictions to admission - like 93 plus in honors). He has an unweighted 4.0 and a 35 ACT and strong ECs and got rejected from UNC. His private college counselor told him it was the hardest school on his list. If you are applying to that many schools, where is your college counselor and what is their opinion? At an elite private school you should have superior counseling and this does not look like it. There is a real strategy to applying to college and leveraging ED. Shooting high is not necessarily the right one. Private LACs, even elite ones, often fill the majority of their spots thru ED. Emory for example has a 40 percent acceptance rate for ED and it plummets from there. Duke is the same. I think RD at Duke is around 1 percent. . . . Applications are over - how many schools did you apply to and which ones.

Hi! This was actually the strategy used for UChicago. I am qualified and within their higher range/average, so the reach came from the very low acceptance rate. My school has amazing connections, and generally with UChiacgo, they accept a majority of their applicants in ED (which is why I applied ED and not EA). In the early process (I listed my schools above) I got accepted into a safety (UMass Amherst) and a far reach (University of Michigan). Since I already am accepted in one of the top in the country, I don’t see a harm in applying to T20s in RD. I applied to about 36-37 RD including safeties and T20s. This year has not been predictable so it’s very hard to judge based on past year stats.

Your son sounds very qualified, so even with a rejection from UNC he should still go somewhere amazing!