I kinda messed up...

<p>I'm a Junior in CA and well, I meant to take the SAT reasoning test (I think that's the SAT I? I'm not too sure) but I registered for the SAT subject test instead. So I took them anyway and I'm going to take the ACT next week. So my question is, will an ACT and 3 SAT subject test suffice for most colleges? Or should I also go ahead and register for the SAT's in October and November of my senior year?</p>

<p>ACT and 3 SAT subject tests will suffice for all colleges (depending of course on the scores). If you are happy with your ACT scores, there is no reason to take the SAT I.</p>

<p>Alright, that's good to hear. I was a bit freaked out to be honest.</p>

<p>Thanks a bunch.</p>

<p>ya i made a stupid mistake too. i, completely accidentally, signed up for a school 500 miles away from where i live, because the name of the school in socal coincided with the name of the school 15 min away from my house. </p>

<p>although i have taken the sat I once already, my score doesn't suffice. and now i just hope i do well on the ACT so i dont have to worry about those anymore. otherwise i will have to retake SAT I in oct. and retake a subject test in nov. </p>

<p>i must say im a bit nervous about the ACT. i find reading to be most difficult. i am incapable of skimming passages and am always in a time crunch.</p>