I know chance threads can get annoying but...

<p>Can you just tell me if JHU is reasonable for me? Should i even apply...specially since i'll be going in as a biology major?</p>

Asian (Indian)
Competitive public high school (sends many to top schools including Ivys)</p>

<p>Cumulative GPA: 3.8 unweighted. No idea what it is weighted.</p>

<p>All Honors and/or AP classes...and this means 3 AP classes total. I know that's a shocker to some of you, but my school doesn't offer very many at all. This won't hurt me, right?</p>

<p>Rank: Top 5%</p>

<p>SAT (superscore):
M- 660
W- 740 with a 12 on the essay
I'm not the strongest test-taker, but hopefull they'll look past this?</p>

<p>SAT IIs: Bio-630...Math II-670. </p>

<p>ECs: <em>Please note that I moved and therefore switched schools after my freshman year. There many seem a slight inconsistency in some activities because of this</em>.</p>

<p>Speech& Debate Team (9th)
-Went to many competitions and won numerous awards even on the state level. Could not continue because it was not available at my new school.
-Have been playing for 8 years, and freshman year played in the Symphony Orchestra.
Model UN (10th-12th)
Yearbook (10th-12th)
-Editor in chief Senior year.
Science Club (11th-12th)
-Vice President
-Serve as a mentor for elementary school kids and help them conduct research at the vernal pool.
-Also set up many other fundraisers and events.
PEER Leaders (11th-12th)
-Community leaders from the school.
-We do various community service and help around the school.</p>

<p>Awards: Not many. National Honors Society, Community service, couple other school awards...</p>

<p>Community Service (about 200+ hours):
-Elks Lodge (over 50 hours)
-Pediatric Doctors Office (about 30 hours)
-Local Hospital (about 50+ hours)
-Various other events including Special Olympics, Mosque, Soup Kitchens, Church...etc</p>

<p>Other Stuff:
-Did some research in a Genetics Lab at URI. Did everything from PCR to Extracting DNA to helping with a primer design. Research wasn't published or anything, but spent 6 continuous weeks with countless amount of hours.</p>

<p>-Internined at InCube for a few weeks at the end of this summer. It's a biomedical research company in northern CA. Worked with a cell biologist and chemical engineer to help design and test a device that would be implanted in the spine to reduce pain. Paid internship...if that matters.</p>

<p>-In summer 2006, I went to India and for about 2 weeks and did some community service there. My grandfather lives in a small (rather poor) village, and he also works in a nearby clinic which treats patients from that area. I worked/volunteered at that clinic.</p>

<p>Your test scores are a little subpar, but luckily your score doesn’t make up your entire application. Your EC’s are awesome…the leadership positions, the volunteering, the research, it’s all gold. I think it comes down to whether your essays really stand out. Put all you got into your essays and I think you have a chance.</p>

-fellow JHU hopeful</p>

<p>thank you for the feedback. anyone else?</p>

<p>JHU specifically states on their website that scores have never defined the JHU student so the fact that it is decent is probably the only impact it has on the decision. You have a shot with your leadership positions, activities, UW gpa from a competitive school, etc. Write a really good essay.</p>

<p>I actually think your test scores aren’t too low for JHU…they are competitive but one of the admissions officers came to our school for a visit and based on what he said they look more at ECs and your genuine interest than SATs… you’ll be fine. Good luck!</p>

<p>Sorry to bump up an old thread, but just wanted to add…today I showed my english teacher my supplemental essay (the one about the intended major and why). Well anyway, he read it and told me it was really amazing and that it might have been one of the best things i have ever written.</p>

<p>Now, I’m not just throwing that in there to brag or anything, but what I’m really trying to ask is if this will help me significantly? Ok, maybe not even significantly, but it will help somewhat right? I pretty much wrote about my passion in biology, and how I pursued it and want to continue to do that.</p>

<p>How much do essays count in JHU admissions? And will a good one help a lot? Also, anyone want to give more chances? Thank you!</p>

<p>Essays are certainly important. How important, no one except AdmissionsDaniel can say. When I applied to schools, I was told my essay was incredible, yet I didn’t get in everywhere I applied. Did it get me into Hopkins? Who knows? But it can only help you.</p>

<p>Don’t worry about the dearth of AP classes at your school either. Schools evaluate you based on what classes you take in comparison to what your school offers. Good luck!</p>

<p>Thank you for the responses. I’m still so nervous about this though! I would be THIRLLED if I got in, but I’m still worried that those SAT/SATIIs will stop me. Anyony know people with similar stats who have gotten in?</p>

<p>You have a very good chance. SAT scores are just a part of the whole picture and you have a great GPA, great ECs, and if your essays and recs are good, than you will be fine. It is probably a high match for you despite the SAT scores.</p>

<p>I dont think you SAT or SATII is that bad, it might be slightly low for JHU. If your school offers limited AP’s, 3 isnt bad. The EC’s definately help, they are your strong point.
JHU-High Match/Low Reach</p>

<p>Your test scores are a little on the low side, but being a minority and your EC’s will definitely help you out! Good chance!</p>

<p>how is she a minority lol she’s Indian…</p>

<p>I think Johns Hopkins is definitely reasonable for you! I think you have a decent shot and would strongly recommend you to apply (even though I’m applying and we’re…competing…but w/e lol)</p>

<p>if 3 AP’s is all your school offers, then you’re fine…I’ve read colleges don’t care about how many AP’s but how many you took advantage of at your school. they like to see you capitalized on opportunities, and you had the opportunity to take three.</p>

<p>your EC’s are amazing, no problem there</p>

<p>your scores may be a little on the low side but nothing that I think will break your application. if you feel you can do better there’s always the January test date and you have over a month to study</p>

<p>Thanks for chancing me earlier</p>

<p>So I think while your scores are only avg for JH, you can really improve your app with your essays. I mean elaborate on the activities you did because besides your Yearbook and internships, which are great, your others seem not as well known. So I guess what I’m saying is you gotta show them why they should accept you since your activities stand out.
If your essay blow them away its obviously a match, but otherwise I say high match.</p>

<p>uhh double posted on accident…so i erased it</p>

<p>I think with a bit of luck, a match because of your brilliant ECs. Test scores are not the best, but they are not the worst either; it’s not as if you got a 1800 or … yeah :)</p>