<p>I got to a top 50 in USA high school that is very competitive. Strong students move from all over the area to come to this school and it is well known.</p>
<p>as a result it is very competitive. Having a 4.3 GPA this semester has put me in the top 10%, but not even close to rank 1, which I believe is a 5.0 or about that.</p>
<p>As a result of the strong student base, the classes are, in my opinion, a lot harder than at other schools. I moved here in the middle of freshman year year, but at my old high school I was taking full honors classes and aced it easily, while here I am getting good grades still (I got 2 B's in the hardest chem honors class in the whole planet but it was weighted in sophomore year. otherwise A's...), it is a LOT more effort and it still doesn't put me as like, rank 1, because other people are taking even more rigorous classes than me (I'm taking 1 AP and 3 honors classes as a Junior. A little skimpy, but I'd consider typical to be 2 APs. There are people taking 3-5, that is what I mean by very rigorous) who have even better GPAs.</p>
<p>At my school, unless you dedicate 100% of your time to studying, taking both APUSH and AP Biology is basically destructive to your sleep and sanity so I chose Biology and dropped APUSH. That is why I'm only taking one. Meanwhile other APs were full. I plan on taking about 4 APs next year but regardless, taking more than 2 APs at my school in junior year is basically infeasible except for those genius types (you know what I mean). If this gives some sort of context to you guys about how difficult my school is, let me know. I don't know how typical it is for smart students to take more than 2 APs at other schools, but at my school it is a shock for someone to take more than 2, even though we have many very smart kids, because of how hard the classes are.</p>
<p>I guess another way to look at it; in AP Biology at my school, 99% of kids get a 4 or 5 on the AP test because of how hard the class is and as a result how well it prepares you for the AP test. Meanwhile for APUSH it's like 80%, and 99% for 3 and above. For other APs like AP Stat and all the others (my school pretty much has them all) it's a similar statistic.</p>
<p>So I was wondering... knowing I have all this extremely unbalanced competition that you wouldn't find at other schools, and not trying to have a large ego but being a pretty smart guy who is finding himself overshadowed by all these other very smart students, was it a mistake to come here?</p>
<p>My education is much better here, but I think I become a small fish in a lake versus a big fish in a little pond like my old school...</p>
<p>To summarize... will colleges know that I am at a very difficult, different school?</p>