I know there are lots of these threads, but chance me!!

<p>I'm a junior about to be a senior in arizona</p>

<p>Ethnicity: Male Asian (2nd Generation)
GPA: 4.0 UW/4.9 W
Class Rank: 1 out of 530</p>

2280 Overall (first try and ive only taken it once)
1560 Math+Reading
800 Math
760 Critical Reading
720 Writing</p>

<p>SAT II:
World History-740</p>

<p>AP Test:
World History-5
Calculus AB (expecting 5)
U.S. History (expecting 5)
English Language (expecting 4)</p>

4-year Varsity Basketball
Will be Varsity bball captain this upcoming senior year
Special Olympics Basketball Coach
YMCA Youth League Referee
YMCA Employee
Nighthawk Basketball Camp Counsler
Internship With Univ of Ariz Track Coach
People Club Treasurer
Connect-4 (similar to Link-Crew)
Show Choir
Univ of Ariz MEDCAMP 2007
Had a poem published </p>

<p>I will most likely be a National Merit Finalist in the fall</p>

<p>Chance me at:
Notre Dame

<p>*i know that my EC's are a little weak, but thats b/c im so focused on basketball. my school is really good in bball. this year we had one player going to ASU, another Army, we were in state championship last year, and U of A comes to our open gyms to scout us. unfortunately, im not sure if colleges will know how good my HS team is and i dont think many people know how much a commitment basketball is (countless hours shooting, lifting, conditioning, playing, etc). any ideas on how to improve my EC's? Thanks for your input!</p>

<p>Is it possible you could get recruited for basketball?</p>

<p>I think you have a decent shot at HYPS, in at atleast two below that.</p>

<p>To be honest not really. I'm only 5'10" and while I am quick and have good athletic ability, I don't have the "upside" that many D1 colleges look for.</p>

<p>What does HYPS stand for??</p>


<p>Personally I really like ur stats and think you have a chance newhere if u fill out the application well....there is no definite answer with HYPS though so no promises its always risky even if u won a noble peace prize</p>

<p>in what ways do you think i can best improve my EC's over the summer? ill be really busy with basketball the whole month of june, but i think i can get a lot of work in during july</p>

<p>anybody else have any input on my chances?</p>

<p>It seems a shame to devote all of your time to bball if you won't be recruited, there is no pay off. I would use the summer to get a job and expand your resume.</p>

<p>basketball isnt all about being recruited. we have a VERY good shot of winning the state championship in the highest division for arizona. our starting lineup goes 6'10" 6'9" 6'4" 6'3" and 5'11" (which is me haha). two of those players could go major D1 and univ of ariz comes to our open gyms to scout us. i am happy to take a backseat to those who are goin d1 and i have no problem dedicating a majority of my effort to my basketball team in order to get that state championship.</p>

<p>no offense collegekid, but my guess is that youve never played a competitive sport in high school</p>

<p>Bball, I played 3 in high school and a divI college sport. I went to a very competitive HS and had to make a lot of choices. For 1 sport I stayed on JV throughout HS because I couldn't afford the type of effort varsity required every term. For the sport I had a chance of being recruited in I went all out. For the kind of schools I wanted I needed more than just sports. I respect your love of the game and of the team but I also believe you need to pay attention to the fact that it just shows one dimension of you and you need to make time to devfelop others if bball is not important in your future.</p>

<p>Good chances. good luck!</p>

<p>haha I'm in your shoes -- not sure how to present to HYMPS how much dedication a sport requires; however, in my case, the sport is bodybuilding. I'll probably just end up writing an essay about it..ie "thoughts under 350lb's" :p</p>

<p>will colleges take note that my school is a highly regarded basketball program, and give the fact that a was a 4-year varsity player at my school more weight than someone who was a 4-year varsity player on a small school or weak basketball program??</p>

<p>If you are the captain of a state championship basketball team, they will realize your dedication and excellence in the sport. The only problem is that these top schools will be comparing you with people who showed similar accomplishments and dedication in areas that they will actually utilize in college. That being said, HYPS are certainly not out of your reach if you have some great essays.</p>